Saturday, December 16, 2023

Holiday Farm Market 2023

 Enjoy the sights of the season at the Broome County (New York) indoor year round farmers market from earlier today.

 Let's go inside and warm up.  Yes, no snow on the ground.

There's something for everyone.  Bread and baked goods.


Garlic and onions.

Mushrooms, which this farmer grows in the late fall and winter.  By mid spring it will be gone.


For those who eat meat, meat.

Trout, smoked and fresh.

There were lots of cookies and candies, available, but lots of people around those stands, too.

Traditionally, this market (which is a Saturday only market) closes the last Saturday of the month, and I wonder how many vendors will be there next Saturday.

We are so fortunate to have this market.

Happy Saturday to you!



  1. ...vendors should be there if the customers are there.

  2. The fresh produce make me feel so good on Sunday morning

  3. That's nice to have an indoor version.

  4. Our city (town) just started a weekend market. This nice to see.


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