Friday, January 5, 2024

Continuing a November Sunset #SkywatchFriday

It appears that winter has finally reached where I live in the Southern Tier of New York State.  There's a storm brewing, and we are expecting the snow to start around 1pm on Saturday.  Right now the forecast is five to eight inches (12.7cm-20.3 cm) but I remember some storms where that was the forecast and we got a lot more.

I'd rather think back to November 9 and a beautiful sunset I started to blog about last year.

I promised the best was yet to come.
It's not a tease.

More to come.

It's been such a snowless winter that we aren't even used to seeing this anymore. 

 Joining Yogi and other bloggers who watch the sky at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...lately here, sunsets and sunrises have been hiding.

  2. Very colorful and pretty. Fantastic skies.

  3. I saw on the news this morning that it is headed your way. Looking forward to your beautiful snowscape pictures in your next post!

  4. We’re not sure if we’ll get rain or snow from this storm.

    The sunset is incredible

  5. A great sunset!!
    We had our first snow of the year last night. Maybe a half inch or less. None of stuck on the roadways. We used to get our first snow at the beginning of November but that went away years ago.

  6. Lovely sky photos ~

    had problems with linking to your blog ~ had to use browser ~ link you left on my blog indicated your blog was not secure ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Incredible photos. Love them. We're about to get the same storm in CT!

  8. Lovely sunset. I like the first photo for those silhouetted branches. We had a LOT of rain yesterday, but no terribly cold right now.

  9. Your November sky is so beautiful. I love following all the changes with a series. I'll check you in my prayers during your coming snowstorm. Take care!

  10. November skies are quite beautiful. Snow is in forecast for your area. Illinois is having a lot of gray days but unusually warm weather in the 30s and 40s. How odd?


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