Sunday, February 18, 2024

Snow Shadows at Last #ShadowshotSunday

We had snow overnight Friday night and woke up Saturday morning to about an inch (2.54 cm) of snow.  We are way behind on snowfall this year (unless we get a big storm in March or April, and that has happened before). 

Saturday, the sun came out for some of the morning, and it was snow shadow picture time.

Our front flower garden sleeps underneath the snow.
One can only hope, despite this, that we may get an early spring.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.  Why not come out of the shadows and join us with your shadow pictures?


  1. ...I love the long blue shadows of winter.

  2. Ah, snow shadows! I remember those and I remember enjoying walking in one inch(ish) snow. It was a lovely time and all the world seemed pristine. And yes, I think you are going to get your early spring.

  3. So pretty! I agree with Tom about loving the blue.

  4. You really captured the interplay of light and shadows

  5. I guess we're getting the precipitation this year. Nice shadow shots.

  6. We had snow this weekend as well. So lovely.

  7. The shadows are natural paint brush

  8. I love how snow shadows have a blue look to them.

  9. I like snow and, nope, I don't ski or skate...I just think it's pretty plus this can't be good for the farmers took some very neat shots


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