Thursday, April 9, 2015

High (Line)

A beautiful echinacea plant blooming in the heart of....
Manhattan?  Just the thing for a dreary spring day in the Northeast U.S..

My post for the letter H in the Blogging from A to Z challenge is devoted to a park that surprises many who visit New York City - the High Line.  My theme is America the Beautiful.  And, right now, the Northeast United States is starved for spring.

If you think that New York City is a city devoid of green, think again. 

Take a walk on the High Line, especially in summer, and you will see a different New York City than you have ever imagined.
Let us climb these stairs and let me take you on a walk on the High Line -  a walk my spouse and I took back in July of 2013.  At the time, the High Line was not yet completed - it is, now.

The High Line is an elevated park in Manhattan (the borough of New York City that most people think of when they think of New York City) that was originally an elevated freight line.  The last train ran in 1980.  The first part of the High Line opened in 2009.

Taken from below

The park features the most beautiful displays of prairie and other wildflowers, trees plus artworks (sculpture, etc.), water features, and refreshment vendors.  You can download a flower guide from the High Line website if you are interested in the flowers you see in season.

Here is one of the pieces of art on display when we walked.  These change periodically, and you can download a guide to the art, too.
From the High Line you see a combination of old and new buildings.

So many people walk on the High Line that advertisers target them with clever signs.
I will leave you with one more view of flowers thriving in Manhattan.

You'll never think of New York City in the same way again.


  1. I love NYC and now I have another reason to go back. The High Line sounds and looks wonderful. Very nice post. Just visiting with A to Z. I shall have to return

    1. Joanne, thank you! I hope to feature at least one more post from NYC but so much to cover with my theme. The High Line is well worth a visit.

  2. Now I can't wait to go back to NY to walk the High Line! Thank you for giving us a glimpse of something non-New Yorkers rarely get to see.

    1. I think it would be well worth your time to visit the High Line - there is something for everyone. Or, almost everyone.

  3. Hi- stopping by from the A to Z challenge. I love New York!! I was just there on business a few months ago. I was actually in New Jersey but drove into the city just to have dinner. What a fun park you posted. I love that it has been repurposed.

    1. I hope you have the chance to visit the High Line - I hope you find it well worth your time.

  4. How lovely - I had no idea! I will add this to the list of places I want to see next time I'm in New York. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I hope you can make it, Laurel. You would love it and would want to photograph it. Maybe you could write a poem for next A to Z.

  5. What a wonderful way to re-purpose and restore a unique part of New York for New Yorkers and visitors. I've never been there and would love to visit...maybe one day, but until then I will enjoy viewing the links you shared and the photos and description of High Line Park. Loved the sign and it's message. Great post...looking forward to more in your America the Beautiful Theme.

    I enjoyed your comment on my Letter funny! I replied on my blog, but wanted to tell you here that....I FAILED CROCHET...a ONE needle skill...never got the chance to FAIL too many needles, said HE teacher. LOL!!! It was really not my fault that my arm chair doily turned out to be a tea glass kozy. That stupid string and teeny tiny hook! 'S'ed was not my thing either....a 'steady' was too much trouble and a waste of time....I'd rather shoot baskets and beat boys at HORSE!

    I am giving you a Shout Out on my Letter I post tomorrow!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

    1. Thank you for your future shout out. Can't believe someone would teach crochet with the cotton thread and those tiny metal hooks. I've crocheted for some 45 years (partially self taught) and I would never teach anyone crochet using a doily project. I officially remove your failing grade! Also, I tried 3 more times through the years to learn knitting. It was just never meant to be.


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