Friday, April 17, 2015


Today is the day to blog about the letter O in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme is America the Beautiful.

I thought I would be struggling but instead, I am having such a great time that I want to talk about a typical day here in upstate New York.  What could be more beautiful than an ordinary day?

You're alive.

And you can find the extraordinary in ordinary.
Like these crocuses from last weekend.

Let's take a peek at a recent day, shall we?
The sun rose in a neighborhood near Johnson City, New York.

Minutes later, it shone on a building in this neighborhood.  Once the biggest wood framed structure in the United States, it has stood vacant since a major flood in September, 2011.  I've taken many photos of the building's front since then, and will mourn (a little) when the building is demolished.  Supposedly, demolition is to begin later this spring.
A bicycle rack in downtown Binghamton, New York in the shape of our skyline.
A giant copper beech. (It actually has its own plaque).

Finally, an iris in bloom.  Well, that wasn't too typical.  We had snow on the ground not that long ago.

Such beauty in the most ordinary of objects.

So - what will I feature tomorrow for the A to Z?  Here's a hint - it won't be Ordinary.


  1. You have an eye for finding the extraordinary in your everyday Ordinary. The bike rack is neat and unique...glad you have photos of the building as demolition nears and occurs, at least you will have them to remind you and others of it's history.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal
    AtoZ 2015 Challenge
    Minion for AJ's wHooligans

  2. Hi Alana,

    Very cool post! Love the pictures :) I would agree there is tons of beauty in just the ordinary :)

  3. What a gorgeous blue that iris is. Thank goodness the weather has improved. Enjoy Spring!

  4. LOVE your pictures!! I'm getting more interested in photography since my youngest daughter began her event planning/photography business, and sold me her older camera when she upgraded!

    I especially love the BLUE iris- how beautiful! Blue is my favorite color, but it's not a very common color in flowers. Thanks for sharing!

  5. There is always something extra to be found in the ordinary. :)

  6. There is always something extra to be found in the ordinary. :)

  7. Ordinary varies from place to place. And can be exotic to those who aren't in the area.

    Liz A. from Laws of Gravity

  8. I love that bicycle rack, that is far from ordinary. We are just now getting crocus and daffodils are beginning to show.


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