Saturday, April 18, 2015


Prince Edward Island, in Canada.

Bottle Houses, PEI, July 2008
On a day where we are supposed to blog about P in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, I assure everyone I am not deviating from my theme of "America the Beautiful".

Too many Americans (as in "people living in the United States") think "America" refers to the United States.  However, the word "America" can mean the United States, North America, Central America, and South America. 

So today, what may be my only post on Canada, just because I don't have too many digital pictures of that wonderful country.  Of all of Canada, PEI has a special type of beauty.  It's a slow beauty.  It doesn't hit you in the face.  Instead, it calmly waits for you to come and appreciate it.  And, if you are a fan of the book Anne of Green Gables, visiting PEI is a must.

My spouse and I visited PEI briefly in 2008 and I want so much to go back.

To get to Prince Edward Island, you must either
a. Fly;
b.  Take a ferry; or
c.  Drive (or take a bus).
Refrigerator magnet
If you drive, you use an engineering marvel called the Confederation Bridge, which is some 8 miles long.  Their slogan is "take the high road".  And it is.  High, and long.  My biggest disappointment was the barriers that prevent you, as a passenger, from looking down at the water.

Once you touch land, it's time to exhale and relax.

Visit a potato farm. Eat some diver scallops.  Buy some crafts, such as these quilted potholders I've displayed in my living room since this trip.  Drink some JJ Stewart soda. 

Or some raspberry cordial.  (Don't know about now, but Cows made some wicked good, as we say here, ice cream, back then.).

But if there was one thing I would recommended to the visitor, it would be visiting the Bottle Houses.
Let me give you a sample.  This attraction consists of three houses built from bottles, along with beautiful gardens.  For me, it was a must see.
And one more picture.  Most of my pictures weren't electronic - I left my digital camera at home.  I was still transitioning from film photography at the time.  But I did put several on a CD.

I have to admit, writing this post brought back such good memories.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is a day off.  I usually blog about the United States Civil War on Sunday.  Join me again Monday for the letter Q.


  1. This looks fascinating. I have actually never given much thought to PEI, although I have heard of it all my life.

  2. I loved my trip to PEI. Driving actoss that bridge, I was kinda glad not to have to look at water for eight miles.

  3. I remember PEI from Anne of Green Gables. Sounds like a great place.

  4. I adored the entire Anne of Green Gables series, and one of my bucket list items is to visit PEI. Now that we're living in Ontario, it's not an unattainable dream - in fact, the other day my husband and I were talking about planning a driving vacation with PEI as the destination. Thanks for a great post - you've inspired me to get on with our plans!

  5. Beautiful pictures, as always! When I was growing up, my family and I camped at PEI several times. We always loved it - one of our favorite summer vacation spots!

  6. Those are some nice pictures seems like a nice place to visit.

  7. Thanks for the virtual trip.
    The bottle houses remind me of the experimental dwellings I saw in the wilds of Queensland, Australia in the 70s. My family travelled up the East coast in a caravan, observing the way people lived in the hippie days. The bottles make an ideal thermostat, keeping out both the heat or the cold.

  8. Bottle houses! Sounds interesting! But, are they used for living? or just show pieces?


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