Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Irises of the Finger Lakes

Last week, I blogged about how it seemed everyone was growing beautiful irises this year, except me. 

My beloved Kool Aid irises have even abandoned me.  I only have one left, and it bloomed for one day.

So, the irises of others would have to suffice.  In early June, my spouse and I took a trip to the Keuka Lake area of the Finger Lakes of New York State.  It was our first trip there in many years.  At a couple of wineries, we found lovely displays of irises.

At the Dr. Konstantin Frank Wine Cellars near Hammonsport, irises beckoned.  (Their wines are excellent, by the way, and have won multiple awards).
Just as beautiful were the purple iris.

At Bully Hill Vineyards, we found these.  What an unusual color blend.  They were in many places on the grounds.  I highly recommend a visit to Bully Hill if you are interested in art or history:  you will find both there. (I plan to blog about both vineyards at a future date).

Aren't pink irises pretty?
 And then, back home, to find this in Binghamton.

One more memory of irises, from late May, Binghamton, New York.

The irises have faded now, in favor of late spring blooms such as Korean lilacs.  Perhaps next year, I will have better luck.

Have you ever had an old standby (of anything in your life) fail?


  1. I got some poppies and some Japanese/Chinese iris from a friend who has since passed. The iris are still with us, but the poppies pooped out. :(

  2. Beautiful flowers. Our mountain laurels have bloomed very late this year. I wonder if it is due to all the temperature swings this spring.

  3. Thanks for bringing these irises to my irises...

  4. So sorry about your irises. Like you said, maybe next year.

  5. Sure is pretty. Not much in flower line at this time.
    Coffee is on


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