Saturday, August 26, 2017

Mother and Son Journey

I rarely blog about my son (his request), but today I want to make an exception.

My spouse and I took our first vacation with our grown son in 10 years.  We traveled from upstate New York to Columbia South Carolina (in two cars because he had to get back before we did) to see the total eclipse of the sun. 

It was a voyage of  discovery.

Pride, in seeing the young man my son has become. 

Happiness, in listening to his experiences.  Taking back roads in Virginia due to extensive traffic jams on the Interstate, he experienced kindness when he was flagged down to be told his gas cap wasn't on right. 

Total joy, in watching the eclipse together, and watching his reactions.

The contentment of knowing that our roles are changed, and that we can be adult friends.

And, in a way, sadness, in seeing the coming reversal of our roles.  I compare the ways he thinks and I think, and I see how set in my thoughts I can be.  His nimbleness helped us complete the trip in a way I never expected.

And there was even a dash of getting on each other's nerves, as we found ourselves together in a small motel room in Columbia, a bit overwhelmed by the unusual (for us) heat.  But we worked through it.

I don't know if we will ever take a joint trip again, but a part of me hopes the answer is "yes".

I won't post our picture, as my son values his privacy (as do I) but I want to thank him for an amazing journey.


  1. What a special journey - I love traveling with my adult children.

  2. How lovely, Alana. Your post made me nostalgic for all the trips I've taken as an adult with my family. As Mum's life slowly ebbs away, so many memories come rushing to my head.
    I hope the three of you make many more happy memories together.

  3. This was beautiful ALana.I dont know whether I will ever take a trip with my adult daughter (she is now 5),but I would like too .Role reversal!Interesting.

  4. What a memorable journey that must of been. And it's a memory that I am sure you will all treasure.

  5. What a great eclipse time for you all!

  6. You were right by me! I live about an hour and a half from Columbia, SC. The heat that day was awful, but normal around here. We're a shade cooler than hell at this time of year. I hope you enjoyed the eclipse and the southern hospitality!

  7. So many conflicting emotions when that day comes, isn't it? As my mother grew older, she became more sensitive to the fact that I was nimbler than she was in almost every way. It can be a tough road to walk.

  8. It's good that you all get along well enough to travel together. That's not always the case.

  9. I can imagine how special this trip was! I am scared to travel with my girls ( especially share a room with them) as they complain about my snoring.... and also my habit of staring ( can't see too well) , talking loudly ( can't hear too well) and generally just being a mom! ;)


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