Sunday, August 27, 2017

Binghamton Porchfest 2017

How can a neighborhood band together (pun intended) and have fun on a beautiful Sunday afternoon?

By having a Porchfest.

The very first Porchfest took place in Ithaca, New York (about an hour to the northwest of us) in 2007.  I don't think anyone dreamed of how the concept has caught on, but it is now nationwide.  In fact, there are several in Canada, including Montreal and Ottawa.

From noon to seven o clock today, the "Abel Bennett" historical neighborhood on the West Side of Binghamton, New York (a small city of about 47,000 population) is enjoying "Porchfest", where residents open their porches to bands, who play for free in a celebration of friendship, music, and neighborhood pride.  Although most streets remain open, it's a block party type atmosphere, and family friendly.

Many people hold parties in their back yards.  One host (the first concert we went to) provided water for visitors, and even some lawn chairs.  
Here are some highlights. 

A group called Next of Kin entertained here.

Crowds gather near a house as they hear a band play.
This yard was so shady.

Here are a couple of videos I took.  The first one, of Next of Kin, features my finger (sorry).

And here, a band called Pool, a winner of various Battle of the Bands.

This is Binghamton's third Porchfest.  As for Ithaca, their 11th will take place on September 24.  One day, I may just show up for theirs, too.

Has your town or village started to participate in this tradition?  If so, please share!


  1. My husband and I went to college at SUNY Binghamton many (many) years ago. I wish they had been doing this then - it sounds amazing!

    1. We've lost some of the fun events you may remember from many (many) years ago but the Porchfest helps make up for them.

  2. Replies
    1. It started so small - I don't think any of the originators dreamed of what they might have started.

  3. I love this! How fun. Wish we had something like that here.

    1. You can, if you are into organizing. I believe the Porchfest people in Ithaca are happy to help people interested in spreading the "movement".

  4. This is a concept I hadn't heard of. Interesting, must be fun. It's amazing how we keep finding new and interesting ways to get together with people.

    1. It becomes quite the party. Makes me wish I lived in the Abel Bennett tract.

  5. I've never heard of a porch fest, but what a fabulous idea! I'd love to see this in Western New York!

    1. If you are into organizing, I think the Porchfest organization in Ithaca helps those interested in bringing this to their community. I know they helped our Porchfest get started. But it is a LOT of work.

  6. During my divorce, we left the home I bought for about 9 months (until I was granted "custody" of that, among other treasures [my kids])... And, all the houses had porches. So, we often spent many nights with wine and snacks on each other's porches. We provided our own night music, thought.

    1. See what you could have started? It could have been you....

  7. How fun! Remember "Block Parties"? I would love to organize something like that in my neighborhood - hardly anyone really KNOWS anyone anymore.


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