Monday, August 28, 2017

Music Moves Me - Songs With Dance Moves

It's Monday, and it's time for Music Moves Me!
Today's theme:  songs with dance moves.  Gosh, so many to choose from, but I need to go back to my 1960's roots.

From 1962, I present Joey Dee and the Starliters with their Peppermint Twist.  I love the beginning of this music video - in fact, the entire video is a trip through nostalgia.

For those who grew up in the late 50's/early 60's in New York City, as I did, this song has a special meaning.  It was the last song played on radio station WMGM on February 28, 1962 as the station switched from a rock format to easy listening WHN. (Why and how do I remember this stuff?)

How about Bobby Pickett and "Monster Mash"?  This is an American Bandstand from October of 1964.  Anyone remember American Bandstand or Dick Clark?

Dee Dee Sharp - Mashed Potato Time, which bears just an (ahem) slight resemblance to Please Mr. Postman by the Marvelettes.  I'll let the true masters of music on this blog hop expound on that, if they wish.  I'm too busy dancing.

I am going to end with this classic from 1975 (OK, it isn't the 60's.  But still.)  You can't do much better classic dancing than the Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.  Let's Do the Time Warp Again!

Come join this blog hop -it's almost as much fun as dancing!

Join this #MusicMovesMe blog hop every Monday - here are the people responsible for it:
X mas Dolly is the Conductor of this trip, and the other Conductors are her fellow bloggers Callie of JAmerican Spice, ♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥  and Cathy from Curious as a Cathy !


  1. Monster Mash and Time warp? Alana, I love you.

  2. All your choices is tons of fun! Love it! You worked it mama!!! Mashin' those tater tots with you was tons of fun & Time Warpin' too much fun, but Halloween? Oh my gosh, that will be here soon enough I don't even want to think about the holidays and decorating etc etc.. just yet! bwahahahaha You've rocked the house once again my friend!!! BIG HUGS & GREAT JOB! WOO HOO!

  3. I am getting a good workout this morning with these great dance songs! I enjoyed doing the Time Warp, again. It reminded me of my wild high school days when we go to the midnight showings of Rocky Horror at the Varsity Theater and danced in the aisles while the movie played. So much fun, that I need to put a request in to my Zumba instructor.

  4. Such classics. Thanks for sharing them. Enjoyed them all.

  5. Great choices today, Alana! I loved the little bits of trivia that you mixed in as well. I had not heard of the Peppermint Twist, but it was a lot of fun listening.

  6. I got to bouncing in my chair. Mashed potato and the twist how can you go wrong?

  7. This was so much fun!!!Eisenhower's comments are priceless. You're right about Mashed Potato Time and Please Mr. Postman sounding alike. I'd never noticed that. I looked them both up online and they have different writers. Day there would be a lawsuit over that, don't you think? xoxox, Brenda

  8. American Bandstand was still around in the '80s. That's when I saw it on Saturdays. It wasn't until I was much older that I really got what it was about.

  9. The 60's were my fav! And I loved watching American Bandstand! I miss those days..

  10. Enjoyed reading this .Not familiar with 60s and 70s music but your passion is evident.

  11. Oh, Alana! I love all this fun in your mewsic picks! You really have some classics. Of course, I remember Dick Clark and American Bandstand. In the 70s my besties and I would do dance moves in the living room with the kids on TV. What a blast! The Monster Mash never goes out of style and is always a riot to hear. I don't believe we've seen the Rocky Picture Horror Show in its entirety. We're going to have to watch it. Maybe, we can for Halloween! Thanks for sharing such great fun, my friend. Have a tunetastic week!

  12. Hey, this sounds like fun!
    Although, I have not heard any of the songs you shared - born in 70s and in India - but I will listen to them now!
    And, I guess I will share some of my favourite songs on my blog, too!
    Music is one therapy I turn to when I feel low..the way it lifts my spirits...nothing else can!

  13. I liked 'Mashed Potato' the best! :)

  14. I have two left feet and cant even dance to save myself. I enjoy watching people dance though. Thanks for sharing some amazing dance videos :)

  15. Hey Alana,
    Fun post! I love that you remember when the radio station switched format! I can relate. I used to work for a Classic Rock station in Washington DC (WCXR) and we had a sister station that played Classic Soul (WCPT). WCPT was switching format to an all-news station (CNN Headline News) and the program director was trying to decide how to do the switch. His initial idea, which I thought was absolutely brilliant (and I begged him to do it) was to sign off the Classic Soul format by playing that last song and then having the DJ say "We'll be right back after the news" and then go right into the 24-hour All News format. I thought that was soooo clever, but he chickened out and didn't do it. Bah-humbug! That would've been so classic!

    Anyway, love your video of Bobby Pickett on American Bandstand. His facial expressions are hilarious! I bet he was a hoot to hang out with. Used to love American Bandstand. Dick Clark was so beloved by millions, all through his career until his death.

    I have yet to see a full Rocky Horror show! I need to just sit down one of these days and watch it all the way through. Did you used to go see it at the theaters when it was popular?

    This was such a fun theme, wasn't it? Have a great week.

    Michele at Angels Bark

  16. Good to see you back, Alana. I've been out of action and when I left you were taking a break! Thanks for your fun blog. The Best of Everything. #SYW

  17. Ah, this was so much fun reading. I could visualize you dancing throughout the post. I'm not very familiar with the 60s and 70s music, but was good to hear those.


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