Friday, April 20, 2018

Rhodesbilt Arcade #Blogboost #AtoZChallenge #SkywatchFriday

The Rhodesbilt Arcade, in Lake Wales, Florida, was built between 1924 and 1926, when Florida was experiencing a land boom.  The builder was one Jesse Rhodes, a real estate agent.  This building is on the National Historic Register.
The two sides of the building have totally different feels.  This is one side.

And the other.  What a beautiful blue sky contrasted against the building.
Let's go in and see what we can find.
We weren't able to get into all of the building, but the part we could access was beautiful inside.
It was January, but the small Christmas tree somehow seemed to belong.

Madeira Beach, Florida
And, just in case you were tired of sunsets - here's another Florida sunset for you.

Day 20 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost

"R" day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge #AtoZChallenge

And finally, I join Yogi and other bloggers who watch the sky every Friday on #SkywatchFriday.


  1. That building is pretty inside. Never tired of sunsets!

  2. Alana,

    This building doesn't look like the same place from its different angles. Had you not told me all the shots where of this place then I'd wonder about it. Oh, I never tire of a sunset over the ocean! Royally done, my friend! Thanks for visiting my sleeping cats..I mean rocks today. lol

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    A2Z iPad Art Sketch 'R' for Rocks

    1. I'd better be right about the different sides. It could be my failing senior memory, lol.

  3. Interesting facades. With an arcade to boot! (I love the arcades you can walk through and see myriad of shops. Not this one, but ...)

    1. Apparently, there are a number of arcades in Central Florida. Plus, there is the Grove Arcade in Asheville, North Carolina, which I have been privileged to visit.

  4. I love that building! It looks like it has been restored- or has it just been kept up?

    1. I suspect it has been restored, Diane. I couldn't find much information about it online, but that is my feeling - just a hunch!

  5. What a beautiful facade! Just love those old buildings. And who could ever get tired of sunsets.

    1. Well, in the next few days you are going to be treated to some more old buildings. Be preared!

  6. Who can get tired of sunsets? I'm from The Wet Coast and sometimes have trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of sunset instead of sunrise in Florida, but of course Madeira Beach is on the west side of the panhandle. Duh, huh? Just have to give myself a geography lesson!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. And to me, born on the East Coast, it is weird to see sunsets over water. I've only been on the west coast twice in my life. I really need to change that.

  7. PS
    I love the idea of composting comments to feed your flowers!

  8. Funny how the two sides of the building look so strikingly different! That's a gorgeous sunset.

  9. Beautiful sunset and a grandeur place.

  10. I like old buildings where they have kept it up. That is a very nice interior. And I love your Florida sunset beach scene.

    Take care and have a good weekend.

  11. Oooh. I love interesting old buildings.

  12. Such an interesting building, I've never seen one before that has such a different feel from different sides. And no, I never get tired of sunsets.

  13. Lovely sunset shot and what a great building!


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