Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sanford, Spring and Snow #AtoZChallenge #Blogboost

Sanford, Florida.  It is a city in Central Florida  dating back into the 1830's.

Some may know it from trips to the Orlando, Florida area.

Sanford is the southern terminus of the Auto Train, the vehicle carrying train that is my ode of transportation every few years when my spouse and I travel from our home in upstate New York to Florida.

At one time, much of the celery grown in the United States came from the Sanford area.

We found this plaque in its Memorial Park explaining that, after the South lost the Civil War, people came down into Florida, including the Sanford area, to snap up land at bargain prices.

Most of the buildings downtown date from the 1920's.
When we first visited Sanford in August of 2006, we were not at all impressed.  But times have changed.  Many of Sanford's downtown treasures are being renovated.
Info on a downtown building

Sadly, Sanford also has quite a history of racism directed at African-Americans.  Even today, if you ask an American what they associate with Sanford, they may very well answer "the murder of 17 year old Trayvon Martin in 2012".  Unfortunately, this was far from the first racist incident in Sanford's history.  Even Jackie Robinson felt the sting of Sanford's racism.

Still, Sanford also offers people waiting for the Auto Train a free trolley that takes them from the train station to downtown - a downtown that becomes more and more attractive with each passing year.

Snow, April 19,near Johnson City, New York
Especially when those in the North encounter this weather on April 19, and dream of a Spring trip on the Auto Train to Sanford, where it is green.

Tomorrow, April 22, is Earth Day - join me then - this snow photo will give you a hint of my theme tomorrow as I take a day off from Blogging from A to Z.

Day 21 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost and "S" day on the Blogging from #AtoZChallenge.  My theme: "Florida Outside the Theme Parks".


  1. Fortunately the snow was gone yesterday and the sun actually was shining. It was still cool and windy but I will take what I can get.

  2. It's a great pity that, with all of its obvious 'other' note-worthy amenities, a town is known for its racism.
    We're finally into the 'warm' here! Yay! So we can talk about snow without the usual grimace . . .

  3. You're right about how people have heard of Sanford; I don't think I've seen photos of it before. We're having snow today too!

  4. WOW! I love old stuff! Antiques Woo Hoo! Older the better. 1920 Man oh man, I'd love to go see it before they change too much! I remember at the Field Museum in Chicago they built like a brick street in the basement with old soda drug stores and grocery marts it was just awesome I spent a lot of time there & if I remember correctly they had a Attic Museum of stuff they use to have displayed... it was so cool. Okay don't get me started. hehehe~ It so sad that hey renovated your downtown. It could really draw people who like that kinda stuff. I know I would. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend! hugs

  5. Beautiful pictures; sad story of racism.

  6. Wow, the snow is sure sticking around for you guys. I hope you get spring soon.


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