Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Peaceful Veggies #WordlessWednesday

Fall is over.  It's snowing.  Snow is on the ground.  It is brrrr cold this morning; our coldest morning so far this season.

It seems frightening things are happening all over the world, so I will make this post an outpost of refreshment.

Have you ever thought of photographing veggies?  People paint them, so why not photograph them?
Did you know cauliflower came in more than one color?

So do sweet peppers.

Fennel and celery.
This "pointy" stuff is an heirloom broccoli.
Winter squash provides one more memory of the season now gone.

Doesn't this make you hungry?  It makes me wish the growing season hadn't ended.

Joining Sandee for #WordlessWednesday and Esha and Natasha for their #WordlessWednesday.


  1. Love your veggie photos!

    Happy Wednesday!

  2. I've seen lots of wonderful photographs of veggies. You've done well here too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. The purple cauliflower are so pretty and make me want to grow them for their colour. Of course being a lover of cauli I would eat them too.

  4. Ah, the cycle of the year. We'll be wishing for those sweltering temps that we suffered through this summer, trying to remember how we wished for cold then.

  5. Never have I truly wanted to be one with the vegetables. Until now! Never before thought about how peaceful their brief lives are...

  6. Alana,

    Cool idea to photograph veggies! The colors and textures are wonderful plus this time of the year it makes a perfect fit with Thanksgiving just around the corner. Oh, my the days are melting away! Speaking of cold....we had our coldest night yet. We got into the teens and it's been slow to warm up today. We're currently at 37. It's not going to get much warmer, but thankfully the sun is out. It's gonna be another cold evening but not quite as cold as last night. Here's to spring. lol

  7. Yes, I could definitely use a little serenity, especially today. Although I hadn't thought about photographing vegetables (well, unless I've used them in a recipe), I guess I need to look more closely.

  8. Hopping by once more to follow your lovely blog via GFC.

    Have a nice day!


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