Thursday, November 14, 2019

Two Seasons In One #ThursdayTreeLove


Today, I join Parul at Happiness and Food in celebrating #ThursdayTreeLove every second and fourth Thursday of the year.

I had a dilemma.  I knew my readers enjoy seeing both fall foliage and winter snow.

Well, nature made it easy for me.  Why not have both in one week?

November 6, the last colors of fall.
November 12.  The snow came while a number of trees still had their leaves. 

What did the trees think?  Well, Nature didn't ask their opinion.

Expect the unexpected.  Don't be set in your ways.

Good lessons for us, too.


  1. the week started with an arctic air-blast, but by tomorrow we should be back in the 50's. Weird and wild weather.

  2. It's definitely been a weird weather week.

  3. Expect the unexpected is a good message for us all.

  4. It's too early for snow, weather has been so strange lately.

  5. Certainly a good message for us as we do end up taking things for granted.. Very pretty Fall foliage!!

  6. might as well keep the leaves on the tree til next year.

  7. Expect the unexpected. I love it!

  8. beautiful pictures to match your post. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That must be hard. Such a big change in a week. But you are right. Nature never asks for opinions. :)
    Thanks for joining, Alana. You are right. Your readers love you fall trees and your snow capped ones. Hard to pick one.

  10. Indeed what did the trees think? I bet they were glad of the leaves to give them some warmth from the cold. I love the fall foliage pics a lot Alana- we dont have such colors here in India and its a pleasure to view it in your pics


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