Friday, November 15, 2019

Winter Blast-Garden Bloggers Bloom Day November 2019

It's the 15th of November.  It's Garden Bloggers Bloom Day but the weather didn't get the message.
My front yard, November 13
This is NOT what Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is supposed to be about.

No more outdoor flowers.  This was the last of them, earlier this week.

It's a new day dawning.

It may be colorful, but it is sure cold, too.

So we'll have to come indoors and see what is blooming in my zone 5b home in the Southern Tier of New York.

African violets start the show.

This is a fancy variety I took a chance on, grown by Lyndon Lyon in Syracuse.  Too bad I couldn't get the iPhone to take a nice macro.  It's hard to see but the leaves are variegated.  The flowers are not that showy.

My one Phalaenopsis that is blooming.  Do you get a suspicion that I like purple?

We can switch to pink, with one of my Thanksgiving Cactii.

Remember last month, when I said I wouldn't rescue any of my outdoor flowers?  Well, I lied.

This geranium is so big and beautiful, I begged my spouse to carry it in.  I decided to take a picture while I still had it in natural light - last week.  Since it's still blooming, I don't call that "cheating".

Also, there is this impatien, and I might take cuttings.

Joining up this week with Carol at May Dreams Gardens, who runs the 15th of each month Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

And, Yogi at Skywatch Friday.


  1. Your outdoor garden seems to have lasted much longer than mine did. I do like your indoor blooms and your beautiful skies. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. My mother-in-law always grew African violets. Your photos bring back sweet memories!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  3. Those are beautiful sky shots. It's too bad Mother Nature doesn't pay attention to our calendar! Have a great weekend.

  4. Wow, my outdoor flowers have been gone for weeks. I'm very much hoping my Orchid flowers again, but I'm not exactly known for my green thumb.

  5. I love your African violets. Every time I see them, I long to get some - I used to grow them many years ago - and then I remember that I have two cats who destroy plants. One of these days, if I can figure a way to keep them out of Beau's and Bella's reach, I will definitely indulge my craving.

  6. Glad to hear you're not leaving all your flowers to the elements.

  7. Loved the variegated Geraniums its not usually available here ..Purple blooms are striking beautiful ..Happy Bloggers blooms day.

  8. {{grin}}} P.S. I would say where you live, its still in western NY, lol.

  9. Lovely shots! Our snow has all melted.

  10. Oh my goodness...snow already! It’s so nice to be enjoying those indoor blooms at this time fo year and yours are all lovely and it’s so good that you rescued that beautiful Geranium! Our temperatures are plummeting here quickly but some of the foliage and blooms are still holding on! We did get out first frost just a few days ago. Happy Bloom Day!


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