Thursday, March 23, 2023

Am I Spamming Myself?

 Something interesting to me (and, perhaps other bloggers who use Blogger) has been happening in the past few days.

My spam comments folder has been filling up with comments made years ago - the oldest ones so far are from 2014.  Most all of them date from 2019 and earlier.

Not only that, but most of them are comments I've made responding to other commenters on my blog.

Yes, you read that right.

In other words, I am spamming myself.   Spamming myself, traveling through time, to 2014?

The comments were all made through my Google user name.  Doesn't Google know that this is my blog?  Maybe spamming detection duties have been given over to an AI?

I would rather not go to my blog in the morning and find 14 spam comments from myself, which is what happened yesterday.  I have to reapprove every one of them.

I would much rather be looking at crocus in my front yard and celebrating the arrival of spring.

And you would much rather be looking at my flowers than reading about my blogging problems.

So, let's try this...what is irritating you the most about online life lately?  Please feel free to comment below.

Let's see how many of those comments go into spam.


  1. ...Blogger has a host of problems, but this isn't one that I've seen.

    1. Tom, a lot of your comments go to spam and I have to rescue them. You are NOT a spammer!

  2. That is crazy, girl. Just crazy. Carol C

  3. That’s a new one. But the crocuses are lively.

    1. Yes, we are ahead of the normal crocus bloom time.

  4. That's one of the problems I do NOT have with Blogger! I just checked my spam and find seven, all of which are not spam, and from people who regularly post fine.

    1. Yours went to spam, too. I also have regular commenters whose comments end up in spam, also. Come on, Blogger!

  5. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have entered a comment only to see it disappear. No notice that it is waiting for review. Just gone.

    1. Guess where your comment went? Yes, to spam.

    2. That is too funny. I thought I was going crazy, crazier lol, cause it happens on several blogs.

    3. Now you can laugh even more, Denise. It happened again.

  6. I feel your pain. I live your pain. I check my spam folder once a day now. Most days I have to reapprove one or two comments. At least one of them is from me (frequently more than one). Every. Day.

    1. I check it more than once a day. Your comment ended up in spam. I am starting to rethink Blogging from A to Z but I have a reason to continue. I'll still try it and see how it goes.

  7. Hi Alana - I'm sure it'll correct itself ... how or why these things occur it's odd ... I get one or two to spam, but I do check everyday. Also like Liz - I've had a couple of comments on my own blog go to spam - I'm happy if things just keep plodding along ... the thought of changing blogger and my way of blogging horrifies me! Cheers and do do the A-Z ...cheers Hilary

  8. I'm not having this particular problem with Blogspot at the moment, but Twitter is annoying me by shoving random tweets onto my Notifications page.

    Notifications is the page for messages that refer directly to a Twit or per tweets, thus requiring a response from the Twit.

    The Home page is for all the tweets from all the other Twits a Twit follows, available for response but often not requiring or even wanting one. (These may include two-person conversations that aren't confidential enough that people use the Messages page, which is private between them and Twitter, but that it would be inappropriate for other Twits to interrupt.)

    Posting random tweets to the Notifications page, which is probably being tested as a way to start putting ads there, is thus spammy and extremely annoying, to me.


Thank you for visiting! Your comments mean a lot to me. Due to a temporary situation, your comments may not post for a day or more-I appreciate your patience.I reserve the right to delete comments if they express hate or profanity, are spam, or contain content not suitable to a family blog.