Wednesday, August 28, 2024

You Provide the Punchline #WordlessWednesday

I know, I know.  You are wondering why I'm posting a black and white picture of something you can't even see for Wordless Wednesday.

Well - I've done a couple of posts recently about a person who has been writing puns and jokes in chalk on walking trails where I live.  They are temporary, of course, washing away with the next rain.  We've had a lot of rain, so this time the joker/punster decided to write the jokes or puns under highway overpasses that pass over this particular walking trail.  He wrote it wide, and I couldn't get it all in one photo.

Hence, the below.  I tried to make this more visible with various filters that come with Windows, but I didn't succeed.  But I felt everyone needed a good laugh (or groan) today.

This time, our jokester/punster didn't even leave a punchline so you'll have to guess it for yourself.  
The Unknown Punster wrote:  "I opened my electric bill and water bill at the same time."
 It's up to you, dear readers. You'll have to guess the punchline for yourself.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. All I can come up with is, 'It gave me a terrible shock.' Pathetic, really.

  2. "I got the shock of my life heheh!"

    Have a billtastic week 👍

  3. I was shocked. Love this.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. I could see the text. And It's nice that you tried so much.
    And I hope he is safe after that moment!
    Happy WW and a fine week Alana!❤️😘

  5. Has to be "I was shocked!" LOL ☺

  6. And, my hair stood on end! 😁

  7. My electric and water bill should be coming shortly after the 1st.

  8. Well, of course they couldn't finish it. Water and electricity don't mix well ;)


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