Sunday, August 4, 2024

Punny Shadow #ShadowshotSunday

Over the last three or so weeks, someone has been chalking punny jokes on at least a couple of our walking trails.  I saw this one on the Vestal Rail Trail yesterday.

Unfortunately, to get these in the frame took some doing because of how far they stretch, and the Trail is busy on Saturdays.  So you'll have to take my word for it.

The first picture has the shadows.  I didn't want to leave you in the dark for the punny punchline just because some pictures didn't have shadows.

 You can barely see, written on the upper edge of the trail, "Whats the best thing about Switzerland?"

"I don't know....."

" ...but their flag is a huge plus." (If you or anyone you know is connected to Switzerland, please accept my apologies....)

The pun was the third punny joke of three.  Maybe I should ask if you want to see any more of them.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for her #ShadowshotSunday.   

And, speaking of Lisa, thank you, Lisa, for the link you sent me for possibilities for our Mystery Bird in the Backyard.  My spouse, who is a keener observer of size than I am, is still thinking the bird is larger than a sparrow, but we certainly could be wrong. I enjoyed seeing pictures of sparrows that we don't have, plus the ones we do have.  If any other of my Sunday readers are birders, could you take a quick look at my post from yesterday?  Thanks!



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