Saturday, April 11, 2020

Journeys #AtoZChallenge

My original topic for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge was "America the Beautiful". I've heard so many true stories these past few days and weeks, though. "America the Beautiful" has taken on a whole new meaning.

All of us have been sent on journeys we never could have imagined.  They are journeys through fear, journeys through faith, journeys confronting our mortality.  They are journeys through unemployment, journeys through trying to ensure the survival of the businesses we may grown and have devoted our lives to. Journeys through learning how to homeschool, and journeys through explaining to children too young to understand what is happening.  Journeys for teens having what appears to be their entire lives disrupted, with no end in sight.

We who are working are  taking journeys of working from home, or journeys of being classed as essential and learning what it is like to have to go to work each day in a pandemic.

Some fields of work that were not valued by our society have proved to be some of the most vital, and getting these people what they deserve will be another journey.

Health care is still another journey.

All our journeys are hard.  I have family in New York City and every one of them knows one or more people who have died.   Each story is tragic.  It is also happening elsewhere.

And I know that to be true, because we have a close relative battling coronavirus in the hospital right now where we live in upstate New York. 

But journeys can and do lead us to unexpected places. 

We all do the best we can.

I will leave you with a jonquil, a yellow bright hope for today and tomorrow.

"J" day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.


  1. Exactly, we do the best we can under trying circumstances.

  2. Sending healing thoughts to your relation in the hospital. I've been hearing lots of stories of the hospitalized recovering, so it's possible. This is such a weird time.

  3. Times are tough, I guess everybody knows someone affected by Covid. No relatives for me, but friends and colleagues. This jonquil is beautiful and what we need now, color, joy, simplicity.
    AtoZ blogs review

  4. Very beautiful. Thank you for your wise thoughts.

    I hope you're doing well. Happy slightly belated Easter!


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