Friday, April 10, 2020

Illuminated #AtoZChallenge #SkywatchFriday

Last night we had a gorgeous golden hour and sunset.  Due to several phone calls I had to make, I missed them all. I missed all that illumination.

But I got to thinking that some of the most beautiful illuminated sunsets I've ever seen have been in Florida.

Today, I bring some of them to you.  Some I may have had on my blog before, but they are worth the rerun, if so.

All of these were taken this past January in or near Dunedin, Florida.

How I wish I could turn back the clock.

But we all know that is Impossible. can wish.

Join Yogi and the other bloggers who watch the sky at #SkywatchFriday.

I day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.  My theme "America the Beautiful".


  1. Some beautiful scenes there.

  2. Beautiful.

    I think we all want to turn back the clock

  3. These are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing them. Yes, one can wish. Have a safe and healthy weekend.

  4. My mom is stuck at her Marco Island house right now, unable to fly back to her Boston home. And yesterday was her birthday. I told her at sunset to go out on her deck, open a bottle of wine, listen to the gulf and watch the beautiful sunset. It's calming in a troubling time.

  5. Lovely! If you turned back the clock, you'd still reach this time and have to start it all over!


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