Thursday, April 9, 2020

Home #ThursdayTreeLove #AtoZChallenge

A funny thing happened on the way to the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

Our world is facing another pandemic.  The lives of millions and millions of people have been turned upside down.  We are expected to stay home.

This year, COVID-19 has rewritten the challenges of blogging from a to z.  Some letters have become easy - C for Coronavirus, H for Home, Q for Quarantine.  

Some of us can get out, but we stay in our neighborhoods, for the most part, avoiding people.
Taken 4-7-20

In my neighborhood, there is a park where you can walk on a flood wall.  These trees seem to me to be like sentries for the river.  Guarding, in a way, my home, too.

There is now something else I must ask of you, my blogging friends.

If you believe in prayer, could you offer one up for all those with or possibly with the dread coronavirus, and all the health care workers who are sacrificing so much to take care of them.  The first responders.  The grocery clerks who help feed us. And anyone else I've failed to mention.

May they all be free to return Home one day.

Join Parul and tree loving bloggers each second and fourth Thursday for #ThursdayTreeLove.

"H" day on the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

I may not be able to get back to you right away but - I will.


  1. Hi Alana - all the best for you and the family at this time; and yes the people who are helping us through this crisis ... the workers behind the scenes - need to be remembered. Take care - Hilary

  2. Lovely post. And a wonderful and important call to action for all of us. I don't think enough of us have really thought about the impact this is having on essential workers right now. Stay safe!

  3. Whatever the family situation, I hope it works out. And yes, the front line workers are in my thoughts

  4. Have you seen the Google doodle the past few days? They've been paying tribute to all of the front line workers.

  5. Yes, they are doing a magnificent job! We pray for strength to them and their families!

  6. Sentries for the river. I like that. Just as our essential workers are sentries for all of us. Lovely.

  7. I pray that too. Let every one be safe and return home.
    These trees are sure sentries. Thank you Alana for joining. Happy to see some Sun that side. Take care and hope to see you tomorrow.

  8. I believe in prayers and I agree with you that we must pray for all those people who are serving in various capacities that they and their families be protected from this pandemic. I like this tree with the background of a small lake, thanks for sharing.


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