Sunday, September 5, 2021

Labor Day Eve Wildflowers and a Bird Report

I had a Labor Day Eve rant in my drafts.  I wrote it yesterday.  It's going to stay in my drafts, for now, anyway.  And probably all of next week.  If I publish it, it may get rewritten, once I cool down.

I got to thinking, do any of my regular readers come to my blog for rants?  I doubt it.  I think they come for an escape from the burdens of living in a time of great change.

Right now, nature is still an escape.  Come with my on a walk I took a couple of days ago and see some of the wildflowers I found.

Fall is nearly here.  How can we tell?  Besides the shortening days, and birds preparing to migrate, there are certain wildflowers that bloom. One is this wild sunflower.  I don't know what species this is; there are several in our county, apparently.
One of the many goldenrods we have.
In a field of goldenrod, I found these - my guess is New York asters,  I get them confused with New England asters.  As much as I love these (I even have a cultivated variety in my front yard) my heart always sinks a little, because I know the last wildflower blooms are beginning to come out.

At least the super-invasive knotweed is starting to peter out.  This one was still going strong.

Speaking of a field of goldenrod, these lovely flowers start to bloom here, now, in mid-August. Climate change.

I think this is late flowering boneset. 

While I was writing this post yesterday, I watched birds approaching our feeder.  Seemed to be a lot of black capped chickadee action and they were quite vocal, too.  These are not migrating birds. These birds amaze me - how can something so small and active survive our winters?

The hummingbirds have vanished from our yard.  We are keeping our feeder up for now just in case any migrate through.  Yesterday, I saw my first tufted titmouse in quite a while.  White breasted nuthatches have, in the past week or two, rediscovered our feeder, too.

This will be our first winter with bird feeders and I hope it will take some of the sting out of having to delay my snowbirding plans due to COVID.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy the wildflowers until they are gone.


  1. Its always nice to come to your blog and see what you feature with nature and plants. I don't know much about plants/flowers, so it is great to get educated through your blog :) Summer is definitely winding down, though like I keep saying, we don't feel the effects of the cooler days until November. Our days are getting shorter too and the sun's shifting makes the pool start losing its heat though the day's heat is still upon us :)

    I know what you mean about rants. I wrote one a few weeks ago; it was pretty scathing. I read it over and then I deleted it, knowing it probably wouldn't be too well received. It felt good though to get it off my chest, at least in a draft then deleted way :)


  2. ...I like a good rant, bring it on. The only thing worse than knotweed is phragmites.

  3. Rant away. It's your blog. I don't mind rants, so long as I'm not the one being ranted at. I'll probably agree with you on most of it. We spend so much time trying to be nice and polite. Sometimes one doesn't need to be nice and polite. Sometimes we need to scream and holler, if only for our mental health.

  4. I agree, rant away. I love your gardening and flower posts, but every now and then, if you need to let loose, go ahead.

  5. I think all blog rants about things. I know I do. I think golden rod grows all over the United States.
    I know it does in North Idaho.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. I admit to having ranted on my blog. Then, while I was taking a hiatus from blogging, I realized how much I dislike reading rants of others. And figured many might feel the same. So, I am trying to keep my comments to myself. Just wish my son didn't live in Texas - if you know what I mean.

  7. Very nice wildflowers. I love those asters, they really show up against the greens and yellows.

    Rant away! Please do! Then we can reply agreeing with you, which I expect we will. I deleted a short rant at the end of a post the other day. Maybe I should have left it. A lot of bloggers I read are ranting this past week.

  8. I love your blog, Alana. A quiet little place of peace. But we are your friends and if you can’t rant to us, then how true is that friendship?! ;)


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