Saturday, August 26, 2023

RIP Bob Barker

Another icon of my childhood has died  

Bob Barker, hosts of game shows and other shows (including 20 years of being the Master of Ceremonies at the Miss America and Miss Universe pageanta) spanning over 50 years and an animal rights activist, died today at the age of 99. He didn't retire from game show hosting until he was 88 years old

We thought he was timeless.

Barker hosted the game show Truth or Consequences for 18 years and The Price is Right for 35 more years.  

But he was so much more.  When things went wrong, he was always in control.

He was trained as a Navy fighter pilot in World War II.  This article details more about his military career. 

One of many news tributes to Barker. 

Finally, I had to include this famous scene from the movie Happy Gilmore where Adam Sadler (playing Happy Gilmore) and Bob Barker play together in a charity golf tournament that doesn't end well for one of them.  How could I not? 

I will end this short tribute to Bob Barker with his famous ending to each episode of The Price is Right.

Rest in peace, Bob Barker.  You made the world a better place.



  1. thecontemplativecat here. Bob Barker was an important part of our history. Game shows like this had to step up their game.

  2. ...Bob Barker has been involved in a series of ugly lawsuits in which he's been accused of sexual harassment and worse! Rot in HELL!

    1. I knew about the Dian Parkinson lawsuit. I did some more research and there is a much more extensive history of lawsuits and accusations than I had known about. A public face that fooled me and others. It will be interesting to see if any of that is brought out in the tributes we'll be hearing in the coming hours.

  3. One of the great ones. He was an icon and could probaby have done The Price Is Right another five to ten years, although Drew Carey is doing a wonderful job.

  4. I don’t know him, nor have ever seen him, but people live and people die. And that’s about all there is to it.

  5. I actually thought he'd died a few years ago. I like to remember him as the proponent of spay and neutering. Too bad he, like so many, too many others, managed to tarnish his own reputation.

  6. I thought he was timeless as well. in the 70's when he was doing Truth or Consequences he would bring on Vietnam servicemen to give his family a surprise reunion. That is a Gentleman defined!

  7. My mother was a devoted Barker fan and one of my memories of her is watching "The Price is Right" with her when I would visit.

  8. I was surprised to learn he was still alive. He had a long life.


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