Monday, October 28, 2024

Three Tributes and a Recommendation #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday and it's time for music!

Today I am joining up with other Music Moves Me bloggers. We are a group of music loving bloggers who blog about music each Sunday or Monday (or even later in the week). If you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please! Otherwise, your post may be labeled "No Music".  

Our head host is Xmas Dolly, and our co-hosts are Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, joined by the knowledgeable Stacy of Stacy Uncorked and, last but not least, me.

Every other week, we have a theme.  On alternate weeks, we can blog on any music theme we want. This week's theme is "Freedom of Choice" 

In the past week, there have been two inductions into rock and roll heaven.  Well, maybe not rock and roll for the first and third, but I'm going for it anyway.

Singer and two time Grammy Award winter noted for pop, big band, and jazz Jack Jones died October 23 from leukemia at the age of 86.  He was noted for songs such as "Wives and Lovers", "Lollipops and Roses", "The Race is On" and "The Impossible Dream". His father, Allan Jones, had his own hit with a song called "Donkey Serenade", which was recorded on the day Jack Jones was born.  But if there was this one song that made him famous, it was this one:

If you watched a TV show in the late 70's- early1980's called The Love Boat, you'll remember this theme song.  I never knew there was a long version.  Here is the Love Boat Theme

It became so famous that Jones performed for a time on cruise ships.  He also performed extensively in Las Vegas.

One other song, from 1966.  Jack Jones covered the song The Impossible Dream, from the Broadway show Man of La Mancha.  I'm not sure if this is the version I remember, but I fell in love with the song the first time I heard it.

Now, it's the turn of Phil Lesh, founding member, song writer, and bassist for the Grateful Dead, who passed away October 25 at the age of 84.  Lesh had battled health problems, including a couple of cancers, for years, but toured almost until the end.  His last concert was this past July.  He passed away peacefully, surrounded by family.

Here is Phil Lesh at one of the last concerts he played at, with the song Sugar Magnolia.

Finally, actress, singer and dancer Mitzi Gaynor passed away October 17 at the age of 93.  The cause of death was given as natural causes. 

She may be best known for her role in the 1958 movie South Pacific.

I was introduced to the music of South Pacific at the sleep away camp I went to.  The campers put on a musical theater performance toward the end of each session and South Pacific was one of them.  I can still remember a couple of the songs.

This is one of them - I'm in Love with a Wonderful Guy. 

And that's a wrap!

Before I go, I invite you to visit Jingle Jangle Jungle and a month of Rocktober music, hosted by our very own Mary, who joins us on occasion.  You 'l be glad you did.  I apologize for not giving some love to her Rocktober series before now.

Join me again next week for another episode of Music Moves Me.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Fall Color and Shadows #ShadowshotSunday

Colors of the season from earlier this week when the weather was nicer.

Golden tree.

Red tree.

Scarecrow with colorful trees in the background.

Hope you are having a great fall (or spring, depending on where you live.)

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

And the Scarecrow Contest 2024 Winners Are....

Drum roll, for those of my readers following this year's Otsiningo Park Scarecrow Contest, whose winners were announced yesterday.

And.....the winners are:
1st Place: West Corners Fire- “Battalion Three Stooges” (#43)
2nd Place: Zelesnikar Inc (#31)
3rd Place: Together for Youth - "Navigating Through Emotions” (#9)
4th Place: Justice for Aliza (#15)
5th Place: Ross Park Zoo (#37) 
First Place from the front.

First place from the back.
 Second place.
Third place.

Fourth place.  You can find the story behind this scarecrow here.

Fifth place.

The scarecrow I voted for didn't place.  The scarecrow my spouse voted for won.
So much for my taste in scarecrows. 

Congratulations to all those who entered the contest.  Your hard work has now been appreciated internationally.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Great Fall Skies #SkywatchFriday

(A side note:  if you have been following my posts on the Otsiningo Scarecrow Contest, the winner will be announced later today.  I'll try to have it up Saturday).

For this last October skywatch of 2024, the word is "yellow".

I'm sitting outside, looking at golden Norway (I think) maples in my neighborhood, and writing my blog post.  

All this week, except for yesterday, the weather was gorgeous where I live in the Southern Tier of New York:  beautiful foliage, near record temperatures, blue skies - so unbelievable. 

Even yesterday, it was still sunny but colder and breezier.  Both yesterday and Tuesday, spouse and I admired the foliage.  Here are some highlights.

Clouds coming in.

 Goose flotilla on pond.

I took some reflection photos.

Lots of yellow.
Blue sky, colored hills.

I have other foliage pictures but this is Skywatch Friday not Fall Foliage Friday - maybe another time.

Joining up with Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Hurray for Triple A

Yesterday was an interesting day.  

Pro tip:  "when you have a doctor's appointment that is hard to move, don't go somewhere else first".

We in the Southern Tier of New York have had an incredible stretch of weather (which will end tonight, as all things weather eventually do), with near record breaking temperatures and no frost.  And clear blue skies.  Day after day.

Before the doctor's appointment, I decided, since it was such a nice day, that I wanted to go down to the Vestal Rail Trail and take a short walk, maybe a mile and a quarter.  Spouse suggested the end near a historic structure called the Vestal Coal House because there were benches near the parking lot. His plan was to sit in the sun and relax.

Surprise:  the benches were gone.  So he stayed in the car, listening to the radio and running the fan.

I walked for about 20 minutes, returned, and got in the car. We planned to go home, have lunch, and go the doctor's appointment.   He turned the car on.

Or, shall we say, he tried to turn the car on.

It wouldn't start.


His guess was, the battery was dead.  It was six years old, so that also made sense.

We called AAA, the American Automobile Association.  We've been members for years.  It's been years since we used our membership for their road service.  

The service said, about 45 minutes.  

So we had to postpone the doctor's appointment.  We waited in the beautiful sunshine for the truck to come.

It really was beautiful along the trail.

A tow truck came out and the driver tested the battery and starting system.  It was the battery.  Zero voltage.

At least it died there and not in the middle of nowhere.

I looked at a bed of flowers nearby while the driver tested our vehicle.  Here, you can see that the snapdragons were still in bloom.

As it happens, this towing service carries batteries in their trucks.  AAA batteries, no less.  The driver sold us one and installed it.  There is a six year warranty, covered by AAA.  Who knew?

While we waited, I took some pictures. 

I have never seen dusty miller bloom before, but here it is, blooming alongside the above snapdragons.

One thing we did find out from the tow operator is that AAA, for their basic plan (the one we have) charges you if the tow is over three miles.  Fortunately we didn't have to get towed.  

We got home safely. 

Hurray for AAA.

Want to see more fall color? Join me tomorrow for SkywatchFriday.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Scarecrows and Fall Color #WordlessWednesday

This is the last day of the Scarecrow Contest at Otsiningo Park in Binghamton, New York.  And, we are at the peak of fall color.

So I went back to the park to take some updated scarecrow pictures.

Saturday, I posted a picture of the Justice for Aliza scarecrow.  I hope to never, ever see a scarecrow like this ever again.  As I explained Saturday, Aliza Spencer was a 12 year old girl murdered in 2022 walking in her neighborhood with two family members.  No suspects have ever been arrested.  This picture is a little different than Saturday's, though.  Take a look at the sign that says "15".

Someone perched a decorative male Northern cardinal on the sign.  Many people believe that Northern cardinals have spiritual symbolism.  Some believe angels are near.  Others believe cardinals bring comfort for grieving families.

Strangely, after typing this last paragraph outside on my laptop, I looked up and a male Northern cardinal was sitting on my back yard fence.

But on a lighter note, here's a couple of more.  I had included a picture of firemen scarecrows from a local volunteer fire department.  This time I decided to photograph it from the back.

One more.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

The Fall Color Show

We are at peak or near peak color where I live in the Southern Tier of New York.

It's true that people don't come to our area.  It's true that you can enjoy better color in places like Vermont. But, on the other hand, there are no traffic jams here.  You just cruise roads just a few miles from your house.

Here is some color from yesterday.  

Sorry about the glare streak.  That's what happens when it's a sunny day.

It was another spectacular day, with temperatures in the 70's F (23ish C).  Again, some of my photos had to be discarded, but no matter.  I was grateful for being able to leave work early and take this drive with my spouse.

So, thank you for coming along with me.  Here's your reward from our local annual Scarecrow contest - a couple of colorful entries.

Lucky 13?  CHOW is a local food bank run by Catholic Charities.  There is such a great need out there.

Finally, an entry from Ametek, a worldwide company with a presence in Binghamton, New York.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Otsiningo Park Scarecrow Contest, and I'll hopefully have a few more pictures tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday.