Sunday, February 11, 2024

Houseplant Shadows and Superbowl Tears #ShadowshotSunday

For Superbowl Sunday, I don't have shadow pictures of football games, but I do have shadow pictures taken at home.

Here's a shadow of one of my windows on a closet door.

More houseplant shadows, this time on a curtain.

And speaking of the Superbowl, at least one commercial has already gone viral.  It's a commercial for a face moisterizer - and a lot more.  You don't have to be an American and you certainly don't have to be an American football fan. But this is a special game for us today thanks to...well, you'll see. Get out the tissues, and enjoy.

Joining up this Superbowl Sunday with Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...we are going to an organ concert.

  2. There was a time when I was a big football fan and I would have been hanging on every play of the Super Bowl. No more. I am only tangentially aware of it any more. But I'm aware enough to know that today's game will probably break all records for viewership - for reasons not really related to football.

  3. It wouldn't bother me a bit if no one ever played an American football game again! I am not sure about that ad. Is that the man's daughter? Or his young wife? All that food and he was the only one going to watch the game? I watched it several times and I don't "get" it! Not making much of a point for the face cream.

    1. I'm not a huge football fan and I'm not a Swiftie but my understanding is that this is a real father and daughter. The plot line is that father and daughter initially weren't that close. Father into football, daughter into Taylor Swift. Guess how it ends. At the end he buys her a football shirt with Taylor's favorite number (13) and she lets him into her life. They watch the game, both wearing Swift friendship bracelets. Yes, it's manufactured emotional commercial to advertise a product but it has hit many people in a positive way.

  4. Oh, I forgot, I came to see your shadows! I do like plant shadows.

  5. Hey I love your shadows and you know the commercial has lots of shadows also.
    So many people are triggered by football nowadays. I don't care if people don't like football. Now on facebook I'm seeing some "friends" of mine talking about how it is a shame that that the superbowl game has tighter security than our border. What sense does that make?
    And I love the commercial. It is sweet.

  6. Yeah, no, I am actively ignoring the Super Bowl (it is on in the other room right now) as I do every year. I take pride in being completely ignorant of all the commercials as well.


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