Sunday, March 17, 2024

Church Shadow and St Patrick Fountain #ShadowshotSunday

Happy St. Patrick's Day to my readers!

I was in the car with my spouse the other day in Johnson City, New York, stopped at a light.  We were stopped at a light and I saw these shadows on the side of a church.  Bush shadows, a shadow of a streetlight on the ground, and even reflections of clouds on the windows. I took this picture as the light was changing.

(taken March 12, 2013)

In March of 2013, we visited Savannah, Georgia.  Another Johnson - here, the fountain in Johnson Square, with the water colored green.

Joining up with Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. ...poor Johnson City needed some help the last time I was there.

    1. Tom, it needs a lot of help. I was so hopeful the pharmacy school would produce needed urban renewal. It hasn't done as much as I would have hoped.

  2. You drove by at the right time of day.

  3. I like how you are alert to shadows! I'm usually driving, and will tell (quite excitedly) to take a picture, quick!

  4. Nice shadows!! Interesting fountain with the water dyed green.


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