Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Tomato Face and other Fall Delights #WordlessWednesday

Who would think of a tomato jack o'lantern?

Nature would.  We picked this unripe tomato just before the frost, hoping to pickle it.  We looked at these marks - peck marks from a bird?

Doesn't it look like a face to you?

Maybe I can start a new trend. But perhaps you want something red.

How about this burning bush?

Green or red, I wish you (if you celebrate) a Happy Halloween.

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. I love the burning bush. I love red. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  2. I haven't been out much to enjoy the fall colors in our area and I think by the time we do, they'll all but be a memory. This year has really zipped by, hasn't it?

  3. ...someone got carried away with hedge shears on that burning bush.

  4. I do not know, but it seems that that bird makes a smiley face, or ...
    a sister...
    The red bush is unbelievable as color and shape! I like a lot these kind of images! Very special...
    Thank you and Happy WW! Have a fine week!

  5. Yes that does look like a face I like the burning bush too

    Have a bushtastic week 👍

  6. You make the pepper to look like a pumpkin! So clever

  7. So will you be doing orange and black in December? ;)


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