Friday, September 12, 2014

Your Friday Laugh - Schrodinger's Cat Executive Decision Maker and Other Finds

When life gets a bit tough, it's time to start laughing. 

Some of my readers may not be aware that one of the best sources of humor can be found in certain Amazon product reviews.  I sometimes wonder what the merchants of these items think but you have to admit, when thousands of people stop by to add their wisdom, it means these merchants are getting attention - and traffic.

And who knows, maybe they find it funny, too.

It's become such an art form that Amazon itself even keeps track of the funniest ones.

Hence, my latest roundup of Guaranteed Belly Laughs. Take a deep breath and read. Restore your sanity.

Schrodinger's Cat Executive Decision Maker.

The  JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank (only $19,999 - cheap!)

A Million Random Digits.  You'll enjoy the 100,000 normal deviates that come with it.  But, you may want to wait for the audiobook version to come out.

The all time favorite Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer

The famous book "How to Avoid Huge Ships"

My spouse's favorite shirt, the Mountain Three Wolf Moon (seriously, he loves wolf t-shirts).

Brooklyn's famous Tuscan Whole Milk - 1 gallon - 128 fl. oz

The Denon AKDL1 Dedicated Cable

And, last but not least, the Accoutrements Chicken Mask (cock a doodle doo!)

Do you enjoy Amazon product reviews?  And even better, do you write any?


  1. Thank you for the morning smile -- I will be sure to pick up at least one of each

    1. I'm sure the manufacturers will appreciate your business!

  2. These are hilarious! I never knew Amazon had such funny reviews. I've actually written a few Amazon reviews, but clearly not in the right spirit. The next time I'm on the site, I'm going to take a look at some of the reviews. Thanks for the share.

    1. George Takei has written several hysterical reviews. I bet you can do it, too!

  3. Great post! Thank you for sharing :) Will have to check out this list..

    1. Laughter is the best medicine, and Amazon reviews can be excellent medicine.

  4. My first comment didn't show up. I don't know if it's in moderation or what. This was great. Thanks for the laughs.

    1. I didn't get your first comment - thank you for trying again. I'm glad you enjoyed the links.

  5. That chicken mask would be a perfect gag gift for a Christmas party!

    1. Wow, I looked up "Christmas Gag Gifts" on Amazon. They have a list of gag gifts on Amazon, and I might be checking these out for funny reviews for a future post. Thanks!

  6. Awesome read! Found you on Ultimate Blog Hop :)

    1. Thank you for visiting. Every Friday deserves a good laugh.

  7. Loved this blog post and I'm still laughing out loud! Those reviews were so funny.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Maybe I should do one of these funny review posts once a month or so. The world needs more laughter.

  8. I read Amazon reviews frequently and write them too. Here's another item with funny reviews (not mine though -- I can't afford $149K for a TV).

    1. That's even better than the Three Wolf Moon reviews. Thank you - Now, for sure, I will have to do a follow up post and include this awesome TV.


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