Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2016 - Spring Thing

The year 2016 is speeding by, here in the Binghamton area of upstate New York.  A warm day is dawning for my zone 5b garden.

On Wednesdays, I normally have a seasonal post.  Today it also coincides with a monthly meme hosted by an Indiana garden blogger, Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

What is blooming for me on this beautiful 15th of June?   Flowers, but more than that.  In a week of sadness for our country, the garden is an escape.  For a few minutes, when you walk in a garden, worries melt away and you are surrounded by beauty.

Today, I want to surround my readers in beauty.

My perennials are between blooms.  I will show you the one I have in a minute.  But first, a word from my annuals.

I am trying to grow African impatiens again after a three or so year break due to the downy mildew I, and many others, was struck with.  New Guinea impatiens are resistant, but, for me, they just aren't the same.
But I do treasure my begonias a lot more, now.

Several of my many hanging baskets.
Geraniums are dependable for me.  In recent years, hybrids in many colors have appeared, and I take full advantage of them.  My Mom, who grew geraniums on a Bronx windowsill, would have loved this white plant.
And pink.

Now to the one perennial that is blooming right now - my yellow bleeding heart (complete with a weed stuck in the middle I have no time to remove.
Indoors, I have a couple of African violets blooming.
This beautiful white African violet has a trace of pink on the flower.

Now, if you want to see more flowers, visit May Dream Gardens and see what is blooming all over the world.


  1. A virtual garden tour! Without the mosquitos or the heat. What could be better?

  2. Nice blooms. I probably won't link to the blog-hop. I combined my blooms with wordless Wednesday. Just too busy here to blog much.

  3. My garden is my sanctuary. When the Orlando news hit on sunday morning, I turned off the tv and went and sat the rest of the morning in silence in my garden.

  4. You have some lovely blooms. I don't have any geraniums in my garden this summer and I miss them. Maybe i should plan a trip to the nursery. Happy Bloom Day.

  5. Lovely!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  6. Nothing got damage but we had to cover our garden it got down to 31.
    Coffee is on

  7. Beautiful blooms. Love the violets- remind me of my grandmother. She loved taking care of them. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. So beautiful! The colors are so rich! Thanks for sharing. :)


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