Saturday, May 5, 2018

Cinco de Mayo Snacks

Today is the Cinco de Mayo (May 5), celebrated in many in the United States as an eating and drinking holiday.

Today is NOT Mexican Independence Day (that comes in September), but rather, today commemorates a 1862 battle where Mexicans defeated a French army despite being outnumbered.  Eventually, the Mexicans won the war and ousted the French. During our United States Civil War, this holiday and what it stood for started to gain popularity in the United States.  Now, the Cinco de Mayo is actually more celebrated in the United States than in Mexico.

For today, I am repeating a Super Bowl post from 2015. Whether or not you are trying to lose or maintain weight, I am hoping  you may get some inspiration from this for your Cinco de Mayo celebration. And if you don't celebrate - why not have some of this food, anyway?

A Homemade Healthy Super Bowl

"Healthy" and "Super Bowl" normally do not go together. And, if you aren't careful, "delicious" and "healthy" variations of high fat items do not go together, either.

The first time we tried to make healthy snacks, it was New Years Eve, 2012, I was new to Weight Watchers and much of the food my spouse made was inedible.  Dry. Tasteless  Ugh. We decided that, in the future, we would not try to do "healthy" makeovers of fatty food, but rather, forge our own trail.

So, we have (no pun intended) lightened up a bit.  It's a splurge day.

We will have guacamole, although we won't make it in this device.  It is so simple - peel ripe avocadoes, mash (we like ours a little chunky), add chopped sweet pepper (orange, yellow, red), garlic, scallions, a little salt, a touch of homemade ground chili pepper (my spouse's own secret mix, so I can't tell you) and a touch of lime juice. Just don't eat too much.  Easier said than done.

We serve with chips - these happen to be local chips made about an hour away from us.  Or, make your own baked ones - take fresh corn tortillas, cut into triangles (pizza cutter works great for this), spread on cookie sheet, bake at 400 degrees F until they start to turn light brown.  (Celsius folks, you are on your own-sorry.)

Salsa makes a wonderful dip - and fat free salsa has no Weight Watchers points. It's so easy to make, too, if you have good fresh tomatoes available. If not, use canned dice tomatoes (preferably fire roasted diced tomatoes).  Simply chop up ripe fresh tomatoes or use the canned ones, combine with chopped pepper and onions, season with cilantro, lime juice, salt to taste, jalapenos if you like it spicy.  Or, buy it pre made in the refrigerated section of your market.

We'll be serving fresh fruit although, at this time of year, there is little local fresh fruit to be had here in upstate New York.  This is the time of year we are grateful to Florida, California and Chile.

We don't bother with low fat versions of high fat dips - we are not fans of fat free mayonnaise or fat free sour cream.  You can substitute fat free Greek yogurt with a touch of lime juice (for zing) for sour cream, too.  An easy dip can be made with the fat free yogurt, a can of black beans, some cilantro, salsa, just blending it to consistency.  Add jalapenos for spice.

And last, instead of those chicken wings, how about some Thai Chicken Skewers?  We haven't tried this recipe yet but I am a big fan of powdered peanut butter.  We have used a product called PB2 but decided to use "Just Great Stuff" which we found locally.  It is organic, and uses organic coconut sugar, sustainably harvested and low glycemic.  I know some people shy away from this type of product, but I don't have a peanut allergy, and this is a good alternative for me.

Do you make your own snacks?


  1. I am making a Blue Apron dinner tonight that is a recipe from a BnB in Mexico. Chicken tostadas.

  2. We’re going out for Cinco de Mayo. Restaurants give you so much food ...I’m going to have to be careful....

  3. Cinco de Mayo is like St. Patrick's Day now: a sort of holiday that gives you an excuse to drink too much...

  4. My guacamole recipe is cut an avocado open, take out the pit, give one half to the Husband, and think about guacamole while we eat the avocado. That's how lazy I've got. I'm looking forward to tomato season so I can make fresh salsa.

  5. I went to the grocery store on Friday. At checkout, the guy asked me what my Cinco de Mayo plans were. I gave him a blank stare. I was supposed to have plans? I didn't realize we were supposed to have plans.


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