Monday, May 7, 2018

Songs of my Name - #MusicMovesMe

If you are looking for my Blogging from A to Z Reflections post, please click here.

Welcome to Music Moves Me.  In the merry, merry month of May, we are having one of our faithful music bloggers choose our biweekly theme as a guest conductor on our every-Monday musical train.  In May,  our themes are being chosen by John of The Sound of One Hand Typing.

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers?  We call ourselves 4Mers.

The Head 4M'er (Engineer) is XmasDolly.  Her co-conductors are:  Callie of JAmerican Spice, (who is on hiatus but is always welcome back once she is able to conduct once again) and ♥Stacy of Stacy Uncorked♥   Also,  Cathy from Curious as a Cathy.  And,  
That means, if you link up above AND you have mewsic (to share one of Cathy's phrases), I'll be visiting you sometime during the week!  And, please, in turn visit as many of us as you can - especially John, our guest conductor.  He's a treasure trove of True Music Knowledge. 

For today, John has chosen:  Song titles that begin with each letter of your name - first, middle or last.

I chose my first name, because I am a bit private and most of my readers know me mainly by my initials (AM) but I introduce you to my first name - ALANA. (and because my last name has more letters - tee hee.)

Another One Rides the Bus by "Weird Al" Yankovic - performed live, and strangely, on TV - The Tomorrow Show (no longer on).

Lose Yourself by Eminem.  Back when my son was young, Eminem was a household word, but not in a good way -  we were warned by my son's elementary school to be cautious if we knew our children were listening to his raps.  Perhaps his earlier raps were not suitable for children - but I consider this rap one of the most powerful songs out there.  (Warning: violence, including a short scene of domestic violence).

All Night Long by Lionel Richie, is such a fun song to dance to.

N - for this I choose a German song, 99 (Ninety-nine) Luftballoons, by the band Nena.  This is an anti-war song, and was also recorded in English.

And for my final "A", Apache by The Shadows (1960).  I love the instrumentals of the early 1960's.

Our train has now reached it's final station for this Monday.  Join us again for the #MusicMovesMe blog hop next Monday- same time, same places!


  1. My sister worked at the elementary school that Eminem attended. He spent a bit of time in the office. Actually, though years apart, we grew up in the same area near 8 Mile Road.

  2. I never heard the German version (which seems to have the band playing SO MUCH better than the English version). And, thanks for the Apache! I miss that sort of 60s music a lot!

  3. What a fun challenge. Apache brought back many memories - was the first song my brother learned on the guitar and he played it incessantly.

  4. The advantage of a short first name but with triple repeat of letters it could be a challenge. You demonstrated you can pick more than one favorite!

  5. Good-day, dear Alana!

    I enjoyed your 'songs that spell your name' choices. I think, I liked in particularly 'Apache'. The instrumental mewsic from the 60s was amazing. We lost this piece of mewsic culture in recent years and I don't think we'll see it again with modern groups. Of course, today's bands can't hold a candle to yesterday's talent. Weird Al made me smile. I loved his parodies! It's great having you as co-host and it's great to boogie with you this morning, my friend!

    ~Curious as a Cathy
    C.A.T.H.Y. playlist & 'Sparks'

  6. Thanks for sharing songs I've never heard of. Good to hear new music. I'm not joining your linky as I'm trying to get my head back on after the A to Z, but well done on all your posts. Reflections on 2018 A to Z Blogging Challenge

  7. Weird Al cracks me up. These were all good songs. Thanks for the musical tour. I enjoyed these old gems. You don't have to be shy around us. I promise none of us will laugh at you for having the last name of Dohickillbuttscratch!

  8. Apache by The Shadows is on my favourites too! I have the same opinion about Eminem but I do enjoy some of his music too.

  9. I'll have Another One Rides the Bus ringing in my ears all night! Love the idea of this post!

  10. This is a fun theme and I love your song choices! Happy Music Monday to you. ☺ I didn't realize you are part of this crew. Cool!

  11. Fun songs! Congrats on the Blogging from A to Z

  12. What a fun approach, spelling out your name in songs!

  13. Hi Alana,
    It's good to be back to rejoin the 4Mers! It's been a wild ride over here and I'm glad to be getting back to some normalcy.
    I liked your song choices. The Weird Al "Another One Rides the Bus" cracked me up! And I needed that so bad so thank you!
    I enjoyed Eminem's song. Not familiar with it: it looked like the music video was scenes from a movie. Was it?
    Love Nena's 99 Luftballoons! Such a nice song.
    Perfect ending with Apache. I so dig that 60s sound...

    Enjoy the rest of your week,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  14. I enjoyed all your songs today. TW got tickets to the Tom Snyder Show once and U2 was the musical guest. I've played Eminem and Nena when I still DJed on Twitter.

  15. I just happened to stop by and I noticed I didn't comment. That's weird. I go down the list and comment on everyone. Where were you hiding??? ~hehehe - just kiddin'~ Anyway, great job and I know you rocked the house with these beauties! BIG HUGS & SOOOOOO SORRY!


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