Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Snow days have never been so musical.
A Michigan school superintendent and a high school principal teamed up to sing an announcement that their district was announcing a snow day.

They both have great voices.  Needless to say, this video is going viral.

Our local school district prides themselves on their music programs.  I think they should hire these gentlemen immediately.

I wish I could take a snowday, but my workday awaits.  Still, with a recently retired spouse, I am fortunate, for I will be transported to work while he does all the work.  In winter, you never retire in much of the United States - there is snow to scrape off the car, snow to shovel.

And if we get a snow day, it means things are really bad.

Keep warm, my readers trapped in the Polar Vortex!

Day 30 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge #blogboost.


  1. Now that should go viral whether it is a snow day or not. Those school admins can sing. Loved it. Thanks for making my no-snow day in Texas.

  2. How delightful.

    Stay warm, nay 59days until spring

  3. Too many snow days end up requiring moms (not often dads) stay home (and lose pay or get employers angry) with little or no reason to have canceled school.
    Oh, wait- we have a 2 hour delay today for no snow, no ice!

  4. Cute and clever. Sorry you don't get to stay home and play but it's nice that you have a chauffeur.

  5. Take care. I hope it warms up for you soon.

  6. They've closed schools here again tomorrow. It hasn't gotten above zero all day here.

  7. These men are talented educators. Go Dragons!

  8. We lived in Iowa when a snow blizzard blew in. At 8 a.m. it was a mild snow fall. By 10 a.m. it was a white out. Serious business.

    Talented educators there.


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