Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The Purple Parade #WordlessWednesday

I call this the Purple Parade - various flowers now blooming in my yard.

Purple iris.  They smell so good.

Purple iris and a basket with purple violas or johnny jump ups, I forget which.

Purple iris and petunias.

Purple pansies.  They look blueish but they are purple.

 Purple million bells.

I have more (can you tell I love purple) but this, after all, is a day to relax and let the pictures do the writing. 

Joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for her #WordlessWednesday.


  1. It's a wonderful yard! All these flowers are beautiful! It gives people beauty, provides bees with food. 😊

    All the flowers are beautiful (I know), but I like purple. 😊

  2. What a beautiful garden you have. Spring is such a magical time.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  3. I was given an iris Pallida, with variegated leaves, not long ago, and it just bloomed. The purple flowers smell good too, like grape soda. I've not had one that smelled so strongly before. I don't care for grape soda to drink, but appreciate a flower that can smell like it!

  4. They are all so pretty, I love purple flowers too. :)

  5. It's one of the favorite colors!
    Thank you for the fresh images!
    Happy WW!

  6. Quite possibly my favorite color. Love this.

  7. Purple is my favorite color and those flowers are gorgeous

  8. Love the burst of purple! How pretty!


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