Monday, August 2, 2021

Friendship is Everything #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, and it's time for music!

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   First, there is XmasDolly.  Her co-hosts are: Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and me. 

Each month we have a guest conductor. Today, we welcome - ME!

My theme for today is in honor of National Friendship Day - songs about friendship, or mentioning friends in the title. 

One reason I picked this theme is because, the older we get, a fact of life is that our list of friends tends to shrink, with health issues and even death.  At the same time, friends become more important than ever, especially in these times of pandemic.  So let's treasure each of the friends we have in our lives.  And now, let's start the music!

Let's start with one of the greatest rock singers of all time - Freddy Mercury and Queen, and 1986's "Friends Will Be Friends".  Yes, friends will be friends, right to the end.

I want to thank all my online and "in real life" friends with Andrew Gold and 1978's "Thank You For Being A Friend".

"In My Life" is such a beautiful Beatles song.  "Some are dead and some are my life I've loved them all..." 

It's time to lighten the mood a bit.  The next two songs may surprise you if you know my musical likes, but I like them both. 

This next song was popular when my son was in late elementary school and I must have heard it a zillion times.  Let's make it a zillion and one, with Vitamin C and "Graduation (Friends Forever)".

 And, although I generally don't like pop that much, I love this Spice Girls song - Wannabe and its line "Friendship never ends".

One last song.  Several weeks ago, I included James Taylor's covers of "You've Got a Friend" in a blog post about 1971.  It's now time for the original - Carole King and "You've Got a Friend". 

And that, dear friends, is a wrap!  But before you go, I hope you have time to enjoy my post from yesterday, a tribute to Dusty Hill of ZZ Top.

Join me again next week, same time, same place.


  1. Alana,

    Fab first theme for the month, my friend! "Wannabe" is a fun song. I almost used it but didn't. I just realized a few minutes ago I forgot to sent the 4M site to publish today's post. *roll eyes* I'm loosing my grip. I miss Mel B's on AGT. I loved her and Heidi's interaction but Sofia is doing a fab job. I'm totally down with "friendship never ends" because that's precisely how I feel - once a friend always a friend in my book. ;) Have a boogietastic week.

    1. I miss Mel B but Sofia is fun. (I rarely watched "Modern Family" but enjoyed her when I did.) Publishing for one blog is bad enough and I forgot so many things nowadays.


  2. Thank you for a wonderful playlist. Thank you for being a Friend, In My Life, and You've Got a Friend pretty much says is all. Too often we take friends for granted instead of thanking them for overlooking our faults. Have a blessed week.

  3. ...hurrah, I know a few of them!

  4. This is a great blog hop, I will join with a submission as well.

    1. You are most welcome to join. Any genre is fine - as long as there is at least one music video in your post. That, basically, is the only rule.We look forward to your post!

  5. What a great tribute to friends, my friend!

    1. And thank you for your blog friendship! (We need a word for that.)

  6. I didn't realize there were so many songs out there about friends! I think I have heard of half of the songs you listed.


    1. That's part of the enjoyment I get from this blog hop, Betty. I've learned a lot.

  7. A lot of good ones here! Especially liked "In My Life."

  8. Such great song choices! And friendship really is something to be celebrated :-)

  9. Love the Theme, Alana and the mewsic, especially Queen who is on our bloggie too😸Pawkisses for a wonderful mewsical Weekend🐾😽💞

  10. Wow! I don't recall Andrew Gold (although I know the song- covered by others). Nor, did I know that Queen song, never heard of Vitamin C (except for the real thing). The Beatles and Carol King songs are among my favorites. The Spice Girls- my girls (two natural, one step) were sold on them and the Bangles... I was tortured into several live concerts.
    Thanks for being my friend.

  11. Such great songs. Sorry I am so late. Up visiting my kiddo. Thanks for hosting.

  12. LOVE your song choices (and loved the theme, too, nice choice!) :) You are so right that our list of friends tends to shrink as we get older for multiple reasons - it's kinda sad!


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