Friday, August 6, 2021

Garlic and Onion Skies #SkywatchFriday

Local onion and garlic farmers have been harvesting their crop.   Back on July 30, I took these pictures at a farm and store about 30 miles (48 km) from us, in the Southern Tier of New York State.

Outside the farm store, the crop for sale on display.

Inside, the garlic is laid out to dry (most of this isn't the bulb, the part you see in your supermarket).

Garlic on display.

As we went home with our purchases.

A nice rural scene, even with the power line.

Want more skies?  Visit Yogi and the other skywatching bloggers who participate at #SkywatchFriday.


  1. All I know about garlic is the dried bulb from the grocery store. I was surprised to see how tall the plant grows.
    Nice sky photos!

  2. ...great puffy clouds. I tried to grow garlic for the first time this year, it didn't work out well.

  3. Fascinating with the harvest! I don't think I ever thought about how they were harvested! Great pictures of the sky too :)


  4. I'd never seen garlic laid out to dry like that. Looks like an interesting place to visit.

  5. Those are really interesting photos at the farm! I've never seen any of drying before.

  6. Those are really interesting photos at the farm! I've never seen any of drying before.

  7. How I love pictures of the harvest! I guess it's still part of me, even after so many years off the land.
    And isn't it amazing how you need the clouds to make an interesting sky?!
    Husby has been growing garlic for several years now. Let's just say it's been a time of learning and leave it at that! ;) His garlic now is amazing!

  8. Pretty shots. Really makes you appreciate the work that goes into these crops!

  9. That's cool, I've never seen a behind the scene shot of garlic processing.
    Love the sky shot. To me powerlines are just part of the skyscape in many areas. I have the apps and skillz to remove them but don't generally bother.

  10. Awesome sky shots and love the market ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Very cool. That would be great, to buy the garlic from the grower directly.

  12. Greetings and Salutations! I haven't ever seen garlic processing before. Interesting site! Learn something everyday. I love the taste of garlic but only purchase it at a grocery store. Can you tell I'm a city gal? LOL!


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