Sunday, October 10, 2021

A Memory in a Month

Enjoy the beauty of fall in the Southern Tier of New York.

Our color slowly arrives (taken October 6).

It's a start - Another view (also October 6). 

Grapes - the blue grapes are Concords and to me, the scent is heavenly.  The grapes in mixed red/green containers to the far left are supposedly green and red Concords. I've read that the "green Concords" are actually Niagara (which make a wonderful wine, in my opinion, if you like sweeter wines) and the "purple Concords" may be another native, Catawba.

Produce of the season - so colorful.

Last but not least, still another pumpkin display.

Enjoy while we can - in another month this stand will be closing until late April, and this goodness will be a fading memory.


  1. I like concord grapes, they been supermarket here.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Oh, those grapes are so pretty! If the weather's nice, I will have to get to our market this coming Thursday. They named it the "Growers Market" which is silly, as a "grower" here means growing marijuana!

  3. Autumn leaves and the grape harvest, sounds great


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