Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 2024 #WordlessWednesday

Another year has passed, and it's time for a May Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  It's also time for Wordless Wednesday.

Every 15th of the month, flower gardeners from all over the world gather, thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens, and celebrate what is blooming in their houses and yards.  In my zone 6a garden, May gives us so much to celebrate. 

Finally, I have so many flowers that I can't begin to show you all of them.  These pictures were taken yesterday on a sunny day. Today, it's raining.

Itoh peonies.
Last of our tulips.
First time for us - ice plant.
My mothers day gift - a geranium basket and the one flower blooming.  It's full of buds.
We normally make our own baskets, but Home Depot did a good job with these wave pansies.  Too bad they won't last much past the beginning of summer.
Last of the lilacs.  Our white and light purple ones are past peak.  We share this bush with our next door neighbor.
Million bells.
Ornamental strawberry.  We have ones with pink blooms and one with red, in a large hanging basket that we overwinter in our garage.

Euphorbia polychroma.

I love variegated leaves and I present to you these geraniums.  Not shown, a variegated nutmeg scented geranium.

Let's switch to the back yard.

In our shady back our red trillium and a baby (barely visible).  The blue flower is from a brunnera.  The trillium flower has never fully opened - I think we've had this plant for 10 years (we bought it at a Cornell Cooperative plant sale in Ithaca, New York) and I don't know how old it was when we bought it.

We planted this paw paw tree from a pit in 2014 (the pit was from a 2013 fruit). 

It flowered for the first time last year.  It won't produce fruit because we don't have another tree, alas.

Woodland phlox, which we bought this spring from a native plants nursery near Ithaca, New York.

The Jack Frost brunnera is in its last blooming days but we have so much of it now and it even makes a good cut flower for a smallish vase. 

Last but not least, at the base of the paw paw, this white bleeding heart.

That will do it for this month, as I join with Sandee at Comedy Plus for her Wordless Wednesday.

Joining today with Carol at May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.


  1. have a fabulous floral collection.

  2. Lovely selection to make your heart glad.

  3. Very nice! I love the strawberries with pink and red flowers. Pretty ice plant.

  4. So beautiful floral collection! Enjoy it as much as possible! Happy WW and a fine week!❤️😘

  5. So beautiful. Flowers always make me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. Wow, that's quite the collection of blooms.

  7. Beautiful Peonies! And I love the hanging basket plants.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  8. That is a lovely tulip!! And it goes so well with the first peony. :) Happy GBBD! ( I too was so relieved that Carol was just out in the garden!)

  9. What a great collection of flowers

  10. wow! You are surrounded by beauty ~ great floral photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Peonies and tulips are proof in themselves that we have very different climates! I love the Brunnera and the bleeding heart too.

  12. These are all beautiful blooms, and similar to many I have blooming here. A Paw Paw tree--how wonderful! Happy Bloom Day!

  13. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  14. You have some lovely hanging baskets there, I have given mine over to some trailing tomatoes this year in the hope that I might remember to water it more regularly.

  15. You have wonderful flowers, Alana! What variety of Itoh peony is that? I have a Bartzella, and I'm looking to add a new one to my collection, love that pink color! I think your trillium is a wild variety commonly called Toadshade (Trillium sessile); the flowers don't open any further than what you see there.

  16. I have never seen a white bleeding heart. She is so pretty. And glad to see your Itoh peonies blooming. Mine is budding and I cannot wait for it to bloom.


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