Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Fleeting Flowers of Spring

The next Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, which will be Wednesday, May 15, invites us to show the flowers blooming in our houses and yards.  But spring has been advancing so rapidly that I have flowers from just last week that are dwindling or no longer with us.  Today, I pay tribute to them.

These were taken May 4, and I decided to feature them on my blog as an early Mothers Day gift to my blog readers who are mothers, or are devoted to children in their lives in a motherly way.  Let's enjoy these today, and tell them "see you next year".

Yellow dead nettle.


Pink bleeding heart (this needs to be moved to a better location).
 Wood poppy (purchased at Monticello, the home of President Thomas Jefferson).

Finally, from May 8, the last of my tulips.

 Time seems to go faster and faster.  Tomorrow, my Mother's Day post and Shadowshot Sunday, brought to us by Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures.  If you have any shadow shots, why not join us today or tomorrow?

Wednesday, my Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post.


  1., tulips are mere memories!

  2. I agree, the flowers are here and gone between last month's GBBD and now! I love the yellow dead nettle. I have the purple (or red) only. I've never seen yellow. Mine is a weed.

  3. such lovely blooms. Yellow dead nettle?

  4. Each beauty is replaced in turn by another, and all are welcomed.

  5. It's that time of year, when the flowers are plentiful.


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