Friday, June 21, 2024

Red Rainbow? #SkywatchFriday

Earlier this week, we were under a heat advisory.  We decided to walk in the park where we sometimes watch sunsets.  We weren't sure we'd see a good sunset but maybe we would.  Maybe we could get some walking in, too.

This is what we saw.  It was hot and humid, even near sunset, and there looked like there was a thunderstorm starting to build.  Suddenly, spouse points at the sky and says "is that a red rainbow?"

I just stood there and clicked.
The red cloud continued to build.
Red rainbow or not?
At this point, we were hearing thunder.  Time to end the walk.
Here the red rainbow or pointer from the cloud is starting to disappear.  You can see it just to the right of the tree.

We headed home.

Now, you can decide.  I think it had something to do with us being so close to sunset.  And we never did see a full rainbow, just did.  So...maybe.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers each Friday for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. ...Mother Nature put on a fabulous show!

  2. Wow, whatever that was … I’m sure it’s incredibly rare. And beautiful,

  3. Although I doubt "red rainbow" is a thing, I think it's the perfect name for what you captured in those pics.

  4. I love the red rainbow and pink clouds! I would have been clicking away too.

  5. Amazing! Doubly amazing since that is what my Skywatch is today too! A red rainbow... a first for me. I think your photos turned out better than mine!

  6. Amazing color! It's almost magical.

  7. Definitely a red rainbow, and that's something I've never seen before. Beautiful and unique capture!

  8. Wow, quite a phenomenon. I lived much of my life in Illinois and never saw such a thing. You could definitely see the rainbow shape but only the red color came through.

  9. That rainbow and the pink are fabulous

  10. I love the skies and the red rainbow is a bonus. I have never heard of such a thing but here you found one.

  11. It certainly looks like a red rainbow! Great captures, Alana.


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