Sunday, June 23, 2024

Shadow and Hummingbird Moth #ShadowshotSunday

This past Monday, my spouse was watering my hanging baskets when he spied this unusual (for us) sight:  a hummingbird moth feeding on a basket of million bells.

Look on the left middle and you'll see two yellow stripes.  That's the moth.  There are also some small shadows in the picture.

Spouse even took video of the moth (accidentally!) but the last time I tried to upload video to You Tube, I couldn't even figure out how to do it anymore.  It used to be so easy but I last did it five or more years ago.

Joining Lisa's Garden Adventures this first summer Sunday in June for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. You can upload video directly to blogger. It’s just like uploading photos. Just use the icon that looks like a movie clapboard to access your video library.

    Great photos.

  2. We have these though I've never seen one. They're quite rare visitors.

  3. That's amazing to just happen to see it and get a photo. When we lived in Guatemala, we saw hummingbirds so small they looked like moths or bees. I wish I had gotten pictures of all the varieties of hummingbirds I saw around our garden. They were all different sizes and colors.

  4. I haven't seen one of these yet this summer but hope is alive.

  5. Yellow stripe is a nice addition

  6. Nice that your garden got that little visitor.

  7. That's pretty cool. I love hummingbird moths.
    Nowadays I can save iphone video and post it directly on a web site so I don't need youtube. I do have 100's of videos there though that neither I nor anybody else looks at.


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