Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Miracle Pansy

 Every spring, I can't wait to plant something.  Usually, it's pansies or violas from a nearby nursery planted in a hanging basket. (Until this past spring, I've created my own hanging baskets with a couple of exceptions).

Then, the weather warms up and when it gets too hot, the pansies give up.  I'll try to limp the pansy basket along but at some point, I give up.

The basket goes into our garage.  The next spring, it's used for something else.

But this past spring, one of the baskets had a plant growing in it.  Despite being in our garage, nature was telling me to see what happened.

I did so.  At first I was wondering if I was seeing a weed.  But then little flower buds appeared and the plant itself looked familiar. So we planted a couple of other plants (see the pink and purple flowers) and waited to see what happened.

This is what it looks like now.  The yellow/black pansies or violas are so happy that I gave them a chance. I'm calling it my miracle pansy.

I know that, sooner or later, this pansy will give out.  But hopefully, the purple million bells and pink scaevola will last all summer.  After frost, the basket will go into the garage.

And then what?

It just might happen again.  It's worth trying.


  1. It's so rewarding when happy things happen in baskets in the garage. Sometimes, it's a bird's nest :-)

  2. I wonder if they seed or are coming back from the previous year? I've read where some come back, perennial-like. I treat mine like annuals. This year I didn't buy any, but have a few tiny ones, I think self-seeded. I love violas, pansies are so big and floppy!

  3. Wow, that's really cool. It hung on. It might hang on longer.

  4. It's the crazy weather. My rosemary survived the winter and are going strong. First time for me.


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