Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tree Trio #ThursdayTreeLove

Yesterday, the oppressive (by our standards-my readers in India would laugh for hours if I stated the temperature, so I won't) heat was back, but we wanted to walk outside, and we ended up taking a 30 minute or so walk along a flood wall.

We admired these trees.

Trees don't have the option to duck into shade or air conditioning.  They stand, rain or shine, heat or cold, sun or ice.

Some have showy blooms.   By this time of year, our trees are mostly done blooming.

Some of them stand alone. 

This tree is actually three separate trees, each with what appears to be three trunks. The mini-grove stands near the Susquehanna river in the Southern Tier of New York.  

People like quotes with trees.  I don't have a quote for today. Instead, here's a tree joke:

Q.  What are three trees standing together called?

A.  A trio.

Joining Parul at Happiness and Food for her twice a month Thursday Tree Love.


  1. A trio! I like it! Your tree photograph is beautiful.

  2. ...I think that this actually is more than a trio. When these trees started their life in a nursery, several separate plants were grouped together to form a clump.

  3. It does look like one tree. It looks a like nice place to take a walk, and in the heat rest under the trio.

  4. It took me awhile, "tree-o"-- it should not have taken me awhile....

  5. thecontemplativecat here. Where do you live?!! Our temp. has been 90 deg.+ for the past week. We lived in Victorville, CA (Mojave desert) and hot there was horrible. Having such great trees was a gift.

  6. I admire trees that stand alone and struggle bravely with the elements of climate : wind, rain, sunshine. Unlike us , people, who seek shadow and protection from cold and heat.

  7. I wonder if trees like heat. I mean, the leaves would definitely like bright sunlight. And they don't sense the air like we do. I imagine that scorching heat that evaporates the water wouldn't be great, but there is water under the earth... It's a random thought.

  8. I love your trees and I hope I can remember your trio joke. I'm bad a jokes.

  9. There is so much energy and lush green in one place

  10. Sounds like a beautiful walk by the river! Love the tree trivia!

  11. Lovely! I think with old trees, its difficult to tell if its one or more plants growing together.

  12. ha ha! I liked the joke about the weather. You bet on how hot it gets in India so glad you didn't mention the actual temperature. :P
    Love that shot and the trio. It must have been a nice walk and cooler by the water body. See you around. I am very behind my edition so trying to catch up.


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