Saturday, July 6, 2024

What's Almost Heaven to You?

No, this blog post is not about West Virginia (don't worry if you don't get the reference - it's from a song by the late singer John Denver.  I'll include the song at the end of this post.)

It's partially about the first tomato of the year, but it's more than that.

I wait for most of the year for the first tomato fresh off the vine.  Store bought do not compare unless they come from a local farm stand.  The season is too short for me.

Now, about these tomatoes.

Actually, there were four of them - small cherry tomatoes. Not enough for my beloved tomato and mayo sandwiches.  The slicing tomatoes will take longer to start ripening.

Which leads me to today's question for my readers:  what's almost heaven for you?

Is it a food? (sweet corn? the first local melon?)  Is it a place, like a day at the beach?  Or a visit from or to family?  Or even a quiet day with no obligations?

To thank you, this is my recipe for a tomato sandwich.  But first, the John Denver song I mentioned at the beginning of my post.

From 1971, Take Me Home, Country Roads, which has also become West Virginia's official state song.

This is the recipe:

Take room temperature (tomatoes should not be refrigerated - did you know that?) tomatoes, preferably heirloom for taste reasons.  Take bread.  Add mayonnaise to taste.  Eat.  

And that's it!  (I don't bake bread anymore - sigh - this would be even better with homemade bread.)



  1. You'll have to tell us if those tomatoes tasted just as you wanted them to.

  2. Hmmm I think I have quite a few places I'd consider "almost heaven"
    Like a big used book store with it storming in the background and a cat, or sitting in my room in the fall with that beautiful fall weather and reading a good scary book, or sitting with my kids around the Christmas tree and it's lit up and chilly out and we're drinking hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies.
    Obviously anything from like end of September to like New Years is amazing to me and it's even better if it involves my family.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
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  3. ...we picked our first cherry tomato this week, almost heaven!

  4. You have ripe tomatoes already! I envy you!

  5. I love tomato sandwiches, not with mayonnaise or salad cream, but sometimes a little salt and pepper.

  6. I wish I still enjoyed raw tomatoes, but they make my mouth burn. Sad.

  7. Heaven is what you wish it to be at that moment. I remember picking mushrooms, on the side of a mountain, in the alps. The sky wad bluest of blues and the greens varied in the meadow. I'll never forget it.
    I wish I could speak to my parents again, especially my dad since he died 37 years ago.
    I love sweet cherry tomatoes and, when I planted them a couple years back they were delicious. Love John Denver


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