Sunday, August 25, 2024

Bench Hit By Tree #ShadowshotSunday

In the first week of August, we had some stormy weather.  Trees came down in various places, including on the Vestal Rail Trail in the Southern Tier of New York, where my spouse and I like to exercise walk.

August 10, you could still see some of the stray branches left by a downed tree. 

The tree had hit this bench, as you can see from the dent on the right side of the photo.  Fortunately, it was a small tree, and no one was sitting there at the time.

Still a bit scary, though.

Joining Lisa at Lisa's Garden Adventures for her #ShadowshotSunday.


  1. That would have made quite a dent in anyone sitting there!

  2. That must have been quite a storm, one that certainly left its impression on that bench.

  3. Good thing no one was sitting there.

  4. Not such a small tree to make that dent! Thanks for sharing the shadows!

  5. The storm cause fallen trees all around here

  6. Oh my, I didn't notice the dent until you pointed it out.

  7. Wow, a small tree maybe but those benches are steel!! It would have ruined somebody's whole day!!


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