Thursday, August 22, 2024

Happy 5400th (Post)

Yes, this is my 5,400th post.  It took from my start in 2009 until now to get here, and what a journey its been.  I thank those who have been along for all or part of it.

Here's a snapshot of my latest journey - sitting outside on my days off and enjoying the birds.

A female ruby throated hummingbird decided to celebrate with me a day early.  Our backyard has several plantings to attract hummingbirds, but we've only seen them a handful of times this summer.  In fact, my spouse finally took down the hummingbird feeder.

But yesterday, a hummer showed up twice.  Not only that, but it let me take its picture several times, while she showed off her mid air agility. 

She seems to be asking "which pose do you like best?"

On the left side, suspended in midair?
From the back?

Or just wondering which flower she will feed from next?

Truthfully, little bird, I liked them all.

So, do I have any thoughts about my 5,400th post?  I sure do.

I couldn't do these past 5,399 posts without the loyal readership of YOU, my reader, and I thank you once again for making my blogging journey so enjoyable.

Why not join me tomorrow, when I join other skywatchers in watching the sky?


  1. ...keep posting. I have a Cigar Plant in a hanging basket outside the kitchen window, it sure is a hummingbird magnet!

  2. Yay! That is an accomplishment, and I love the little hummingbird.

  3. Nice photos! I never can get hummingbirds well. 5,400! Quite a feat! I don't know how many, I've posted in all only how many are up right now. Not the same number, I've removed some.

  4. Congratulations on reaching 5400! The hummingbird's quite cute...

  5. Wow, that is awesome! Congrats to you. I love the bird pictures.

  6. Lovely photos ~ especially the hummingbird ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Bird feeding images are quite satisfying to look at

  8. Congratulations. That's a lot of words!

  9. Wow, that is a huge milestone. Congratulations.

  10. That's quite an achievement - well done! Hummingbirds are amazing. I was thrilled the one and only time I saw one in Palm Springs.


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