Friday, August 30, 2024

Skies of the Past 10 Days #SkywatchFriday

Some slices of my life from the past 10 days or so, for this last August of 2024 Skywatch.

Exercise walking sky August 20. 

Dramatic performer, Porchfest, August 25.

New York State Fair August 26.

Downtown Syracuse, New York August 26, taken from the highway while we were stopped due to construction.  I love some of their architecture.

Otsiningo Park, Binghamton, New York, knotweed reflection August 29.

Wishing my American and Canadian readers a fabulous Labor Day weekend.

Joining Yogi and other skywatchers for #SkywatchFriday.


  1. Nice collection. The photo from Syracuse, very interesting

  2. Beautiful skies - so many different blues and shapes and colours of clouds.

  3. ...Syracuse is fortunate to have much of its skyline remaining. Unfortunately, in your area there is a lot on knotweed!

  4. Lovely shots, Alana! Happy Labour Day to you too. ☺

  5. Blue skies with white, puffy clouds have been prevalent here lately. No sign yet of any late summer hurricanes.

  6. Wow. The world is amazing -- both above and below.

  7. Wonderful series of sky photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Loved the pictures. I've only been to New York once back when my late husband took me there to see his family in New Jersey. We went to New York for the day too.

  9. Downtown Syracuse looks intriguing. Very pretty skies!

  10. The streets are certainly very eye catching for me

  11. It looks like you've gotten out and about. Nice.


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