Sunday, September 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day September 2024

Welcome to the September 2024 edition of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, brought to us each month thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

In my zone 6a garden in the Southern Tier of New York State, the weather has been mostly sunny and rain free the past few days, allowing us to dry out.  The weather in early and mid September is usually some of the best (in my opinion, anyway) we get during the year.

Fall is just about here, and the flowers that I associate with fall are blooming or getting ready to bloom.

Japanese anemone.  Right now this is the first and only bloom.

My sedum is coloring up.
This is a hardy purple mum we've kept alive for (I think) three seasons now, thanks to it being in a pot.  We store it in the garage over the winter, although it may not be necessary.  We also have a hardy yellow mum but it is a bit behind in opening blooms.

Our Turtlehead (purchased in 2012 in Asheville, North Carolina at a farmers market) is starting to finish up but still is attracting bees.
I blogged briefly about my New England aster "Pink Blush" several days ago.  It is still deciding when to open but I decided to include it (taken September 14).
Zig Zag goldenrod, purchased from a nursery near Ithaca, New York that specializes in native plants.

Garlic chives.

This may be my last reblooming day lily.
I've featured my variegated geraniums more than once for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  I am going to try to propagate these, especially the one with green leaves bordered by white.  I have a gigantic one in my back yard that is several years old, but we just can't carry it inside any more.  I did sucessfully take a cutting last winter and that's the plant you are seeing.  There are two other variegated geraniums in this pot and they aren't sold locally.
Red petunia.  It's rare I have petunias blooming this late in the season.
Variegated lantana.  After a less than spectacular year last year, they've had an excellent year in 2024.

Finally, another geranium.

Before you go, why not click on the link above to Carol's blog and visit flower gardeners from all over the world who participate in this meme?

Hope to "see" you October 15.


  1.'s hard to beat Japanese anemone!

  2. Your garden looks beautiful and vibrant for fall! I especially love the Japanese anemone and the colorful mums. Thanks for sharing your garden’s charm!

  3. You've got a great collection this month.

  4. Those are beautiful. I love purple flowers.

  5. Geraniums are so satisfying to propagate and you have a lovely selection.

  6. My Japanese anemone died, or so I though, in the heat. However, it's coming back in several places. I am not a mum fan, but yours is so pretty, and not like the "nothing but flowers" florist mums. In fact, it looks like my aster.

  7. Beautiful Japanese anemone! I am not able to get them to thrive at all.

  8. Your Japanese anemone are just beautiful. Love to see your geraniums in bloom. I just noticed a couple new blooms on my red geranium today.

  9. I envy you the Japanese Anemone, Alana. I was looking forward to flowers from the plant I inherited with the garden but an ill-timed heatwave seems to have incinerated it. The variegated Pelargonium is wonderful and well worth propagating.


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