Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pleasing the People with Surprise Patriotic Fruit Salad

Enough times, I'm pleasantly surprised by my readers.  A post is a hit.  People love the music I like to post on Mondays, it seems.

Like yesterday's music post, which was on surfing songs of the 1960's. 

My readers enjoyed the theme so much, and I thank them for stopping by.

Sometimes, I put something out there on my blog and it just clicks.  I hope this food post will click with you, too.

A few days ago, I was shopping at a local farm store, and I found this bargain what I thought was what we Americans call a cantaloupe.  Couldn't beat the $1 price.  Cantaloupes next to it were more expensive.  This looked OK and smelled OK.  I bought it.

Except it wasn't a cantaloupe. When I opened it up, the color was all wrong for a cantaloupe/muskmelon.  Green/white flesh greeted me, not the usual orange.  But with netting on the outside, it looked like a cantaloupe.  But it was oval, come to think of it, not round. 

Hmmm.  I'm now thinking it is an Ananas melon.  It doesn't smell to me like pineapple (ananas is pineapple in French, Danish and Dutch, among other languages), but my nose isn't the best.  What I did know is that I've never had a melon like this before.

Oh, was it good.

Anyway, I ate on it for a few days and then it was time to make a fruit salad.  We had blueberries from our last picking of the season (August 5) and fresh strawberries that were just starting to freeze.  They had to be used right away.

So this is what my spouse put together. Just cut up fruit.  No orange juice (disagrees with me) or other fruit juice. No sugar.  No cream (I have never liked mixing cream with fresh fruit.)  Just a pure mix of cut up melon, cut up starting to freeze strawberries, and fresh blueberries.

With apologies to my non-United States readers, I'm calling this Patriotic Fruit Salad (that melon flesch does look more white than green.).  Three cheers for the red, whitish and blue fruit.

Three more cheers for a new food find. I wish you were here to share it with me.

I wonder, now that our local cantaloupes are in season, if I'll see this again.  

One can hope.



  1. ...this one is new to me. I planted cantaloupe and they aren't doing well, but I have small watermellons.

    1. We haven't grown any melons in years. Have not had good luck in the past.

  2. I hadn't seen this melon before or heard of it, but your salad sure looks delicious and refreshing!


    1. The melon was ripe and tasty. It sure was refreshing.

  3. Replies
    1. It was tasty. I hope I can run across that type of melon yesterday.

  4. Curious that the melon wasn't labelled somewhere. As long as it was tasty, it was a good find.

    1. It was not labeled with the type of melon. As much as I like this stand, they don't always label the produce. $1 for a cantaloupe or other melon, here, is a good price.

  5. Hooray for the Red, Whitish and Blue! It looks delicious!!!

  6. Cross between cantaloupe and honeydew? I hope it's non-GMO and scrumptious.

    1. Scrumptious, yes. Non-GMO, I do not know. This particular market does not advertise organic fruits and veggies, so I can not be sure. I do buy some organic produce, but not exclusively.


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