Monday, August 9, 2021

Surfin' Songs #MusicMovesMe

It's Monday, and that means Music!  Welcome to another edition of Music Moves Me, brought to you by these fine bloggers:

Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? We are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share with us, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!)   First, there is XmasDolly.  Her co-hosts are: Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and me. 

Each month we have a guest conductor. Today, we welcome - ME!

My theme for today is"You Pick".  I hope you like music of the 60's because...

I've been thinking of the surf and beach songs of the 60's.  Perhaps I am trying to move back to a time in my life (growing up) when things seemed so innocent (although, of course, they were not).

I'd like to Walk, Don't Run, back to those times, with the Ventures, starting in 1960.  I found, in researching, that the Ventures were actually covering something originally recorded by jazz guitarist Johnny Smith in 1954, then Chet Atkins in 1956.  The Ventures released their hit in the spring of 1960, and updated it in 1964.  This is the 1960 version.  The song has since been recorded by various artists.


From 1963, Surfin' Bird by the Trashmen is one of my spouse's favorite songs.  I discovered this was not quite a cover (more like a mash-up) of two songs by a doo-wop group called the Rivingtons': Papa Oom Maw Maw and The Bird is the Word, as better told here.  As a result of publicity, the Trashmen had to share writing credits with the Rivingtons.

Since I want to give the Rivingtons some credit, too, here is "The Bird is the Word".

The Beach Boys, and Surfin' USA, from 1963.  This song also had a disputed authorship and Brian Wilson ended up sharing credits with Chuck Berry.

Pipeline by The Chantays', from 1962, on the Lawrence Welk show.  This is one of my favorite all time instrumentals.  I do have many favorite all time instrumentals....

Still another from 1963 - Surf City by Jan & Dean.  I was writing this post outside, and this song got the house finches chirping.

One last song for your Monday.  Back to the Beach Boys, and Surfer Girl.

Next week is the anniversary of Woodstock and I will try to work it into the theme (the theme I picked) about picking a playlist from one decade.  Stay tuned!

Same time, same place, next week, right?  Join me then.


  1. Alana,

    You can't think about summer without thinking about those oldie surf songs. I just love the instrumental arrangements from the 60s. The Chantay's made me smile. They looked a bit stiff performing but "Pipeline" is a classic. I turned a year old at the end of 1962. I'm sure I heard it when I was a kid and I certainly have a time or two listening to oldie stations on SiriusXM or even in movies. This sounds like a song Knoxville native Terrence Tarantino might use in one of his films. Thanks for sharing the surf sound now to catch some of those waves before summer disappears. ;) Have a boogietastic week, my friend!

  2. ...this is a genre that I LOVE!

  3. I have to admit, when the world was in love with The Beatles, I was all about the Boys, including wheat color jeans and shoes with no socks. Help Me Rhonda, Be True to Your School, Little Duce Coupe, and Good Vibrations were constantly on my portable record player. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  4. I'm not familiar with the majority of these songs which is kind of funny since I grew up in San Diego and frequented the beach a lot, watching many people surfing :)


  5. Most of these are new to me. As well as hearing the music of the time, it's fun to see the clothes and the hairstyles.

  6. The Beach Boys will always be my favorites.

  7. The Beach Boys will always be my favorites.

  8. Oh yeah, you really got me with this one!
    Carol C

  9. Ohmyword, I didn't want these to stop! Beach boys, Ventures, Chantay's. Tip top!!!

  10. What a fun blast from the past! Thanks!

  11. "Surfin' Bird" got referenced in at least one episode of "Family Guy":

    Surf, especially instrumental surf, is one of my favorite genres!


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