Saturday, June 15, 2024

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2024

It's the last weekend of spring and the 15th of the month.  It's time for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. 

It seems the seasons are rushing by in my newly reclassified zone 6a garden in the Southern Tier of New York.    There is so much blooming that I am just going to show you some random things and save some of all my annuals for another time.

Well, let's make two exceptions.  We are going to have a heat wave starting Monday, and we may be looking at the last days of our pansies.
I am calling this my miracle hanging basket.  See those pansies?  They died out over last summer (or so I thought) but one of them survived the winter when I stored the hanging basket in our unheated garage.  It's come back to life, accompanied by some purple million bells I purchased to keep them company.
Our garden sage is blooming.
This is nutmeg geranium, a scented geranium.  Scented geraniums aren't supposed to bloom all that much.  This plant didn't get the memo.
Salvia "Hummingbird Falls".  Only problem is, we seem to be boycotted by hummingbirds this year.  Well, no matter.

Our first day lily has been blooming for several days.  Several others have buds ready to go.

Variegated geraniums.  I bought a couple of these in a nursery about an hour away that specializes in the unusual.  The green and white leafed one was a cutting from a plant about three years old now that we overwinter in the house.


Globe amaranth, a first for us.

On the side of our house, this wild rose.

In our back yard, Siberian columbine.  It's on its way out so here's a picture from a couple of days ago to show it in better times.

Also in the back, cuphea (cigar plant).  It's found its perfect spot and in normal years, hummingbirds love it.

One of our back (part time to shady) yard hanging baskets.  This one has fuchsia and browallia.  Browallia is new to us and we are loving it so far.

Last but not least, a hanging basket of sunpatiens, another plant I love.

Joining up today with Carol at May Dreams Gardens for her 15th of each month Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.  Why not visit others on her linky and see what is blooming around the world?


  1. It's looking nice! I look forward to a few months of GBBD with your daylilies.

  2. You have a bunch of blooms going on of all different colors and styles!!

  3. All flowers are always to be welcomed and applauded - even the 'weeds'!

  4. You've got a great collection there. Hopefully your heat wave won't take too many of them out.

  5. ...Sunpatiens are favorites of mine too.

  6. Among all your beautiful flowers, there's one in the middle that looks rather unusual, more like a painting. The caption reads :'variegated germanims'.

    1. Duta, thank you! I believe the Latin name for these are Pelargorium hortorum, and unlike the ones generally sold in the United States, these have leaves in varying colors. They are bred for the leaves and not so much the flowers (the flowers are generally orange , incidentally, although my iPhone always picks it up as red) so the fact that at least one of these is blooming profusely is a little surprising to me. There are three different ones in this pot.

  7. The pot plants and the pansies are so beautiful!

  8. Wild roses like the one you feature grew all around the yard of the house where I grew up. It brings back fond memories.

  9. It's interesting to note that you too are seeing the lack of humming birds this year--I've seen only two earlier in the spring, heading north. None of our usual resident hummers have shown up around here. All those lovely flowers and no humming birds!


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